reset normal Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing Wed, 15 Dec 2021 19:38:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 reset normal Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing 32 32 Moving on up: How to find a job after relocating Wed, 15 Dec 2021 19:38:06 +0000 More than 36 million Americans have relocated during the pandemic. Are you in that group? Maybe your newly remote job isn’t working for you anymore. Or your office is bringing people backRead More...

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More than 36 million Americans have relocated during the pandemic. Are you in that group?

Maybe your newly remote job isn’t working for you anymore. Or your office is bringing people back in-person way sooner than you expected. Or your big life change first started with a change of address. Being in a new location without connections makes the job search process challenging (even before factoring in how COVID-19 has transformed the current hiring process).

Luckily we’ve pinpointed 5 ways to find a job after relocating:

Step up your social media game

Worldwide social media usage has surged since the pandemic, but it’s not just Facebook and Instagram. Business social media platforms have reported record levels of engagement, with LinkedIn members climbing to nearly 800 million users in 2021. That’s potentially millions of profiles looking for new hires.

Polish up your profile and take your resume digital. Active recruiters will contact you if your skills are a good match and you can speak directly to HR professionals in a company that’s caught your eye. Join local groups on the platform where you can network and watch connections in your new location grow.  

Research this new job market

Looking for a job in another city or state? Research the area to see who the big employers are, what industries dominate, and what skills are most in-demand. Keep a lookout for which soft skills you can sell yourself on. They’ve become increasingly important after the pandemic.

If you find that positions posted on your local job boards require skills that you lack, don’t be afraid to get training and learn new abilities (With our Aspire Academy, you have access to free learning programs to help you land that next job).

Stay open to remote work

Our research shows that 71% of workers globally want to work remotely more in the future than they did before the pandemic. And companies are taking note. By 2028 it’s projected that almost 3/4 of all teams in all departments will have remote workers.

By opening yourself up to a remote job after relocating, you won’t be limited to your location. And if you’re like the average American who moved to the suburbs this past year, that means you can still work for larger companies whose headquarters are in larger cities (without the commute and with more space for your home office).

Look at temporary opportunities

There’s no better time to try temping than after relocating – especially after relocating during the pandemic. You’ll not only get a firsthand view of the job market in your new home before making a commitment, but you’ll also start to build connections and learn new skills relevant to your area.

Temporary workers are in high demand since the pandemic. More than half of companies have increased their use of temporary workers since 2020 while those accepting temporary work placements have increased by two-thirds. Don’t know where to start? Check out our guide on how to find temporary work.

Connect with an agency, like Adecco

Don’t rule out a staffing agency if you’re ready to take the plunge but are still feeling overwhelmed. It’s our job to build connections both locally and globally, and often companies work with us for jobs that might not even be advertised on your local jobs board.

Adecco can be your guide through the whole hiring process. From tips on interviewing, polishing up your resume, and guidance on accepting a job offer, our team will provide professional insights during your job search. We’ll also keep your information on file in case an opportunity comes along in the future. You can focus on making your new location home and enjoy the benefits of relocating in the meantime.

Whether you’re looking for temporary work placements or a permanent position, Adecco is here to support you in finding a job after relocating. Take a look at our current job openings and check out our blog for more insights on navigating the hiring process and making career changes.

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Beyond gift cards: Recognizing employees at the end of the year Wed, 08 Dec 2021 15:13:49 +0000 What’s at the top of your workers’ holiday wish list? Not books or a bottle of wine. Our recent study, Resetting Normal, found that just 33% of employees agree that their managerRead More...

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What’s at the top of your workers’ holiday wish list? Not books or a bottle of wine. Our recent study, Resetting Normal, found that just 33% of employees agree that their manager adequately recognizes staff contributions, so your workers don’t just want, but need, recognition this time of year.

Does that data seem too low to reflect your team? Think again. Managers regularly overestimate their own performance and underestimate their employees’ needs for regular check-ins and appreciation.

To close this gap, incorporate a strategy for employee recognition into your organization. Here are our top reward and recognition ideas for your team:

Take employee recognition public

Dedicate a staff meeting to recognize milestones reached by your employees this year. Not only will it boost the morale of those acknowledged, but it’ll also signal to others behaviors valued at your organization and energize your workforce.

If an employee outperforms expectations and the next staff meeting isn’t for a few days, show appreciation now. Send a public message to your team’s group chat describing your employee’s accomplishment and encourage colleagues to congratulate them. Don’t wait for the official Employee Appreciation Day (is it marked on your calendar?) to publicly acknowledge your employees for a job well done.

Send a care package

It’s been a tough year for everyone. Don’t skimp and send just a card to your employees. Many companies have sprung up across the US since the start of the pandemic offering customized care packages for workers. Send one to your employees and they’ll feel extra appreciated for receiving a variety of gifts.

The more you give, the more you get back. Companies that spend more than 1% of payroll on employee rewards and gifts see an 85% increase in engagement– than those that spend a lower amount see 11% less in return.

Encourage peer-to-peer recognition

Remote working and hybrid offices are making it harder for employees to feel connected to each other. The Global Culture Report for 2022 found that almost half of employees interacted with fewer people at work over the past year, while 57% say they engage in fewer work-related social activities. Developing a peer-to-peer recognition program not only creates an outlet for employee appreciation but also fosters comradery and connections amongst colleagues. It’s a win-win.

Luckily there are plenty of online tools available where workers can acknowledge other team members while earning rewards such as gift cards and donations to their choice of charity. Incorporate one into your workplace and you’ll have a recognition program that runs itself.

Combine employee rewards with a charity fundraiser

Want to take team comradery to the next level while also showing employee appreciation? Set up a charity fundraiser where workers can donate their time/money, work together and earn rewards like extra days off or early release.

Make sure to get your team’s input on which charity to donate to. If the logistics of setting up a fundraiser are too difficult, donate in their name instead. They’ll appreciate their voice being heard, leading to increased employee engagement.

Show appreciation 1-on-1

1 in 3 workers reported feeling disconnected from their leaders in 2021. Take the time to meet 1-on-1 with your team members to show appreciation and highlight specific accomplishments they’ve achieved. If you can’t do the 1-on-1 in person, pick a video call instead of the phone- seeing each other’s faces will help create a connection and make the employee recognition feel more personable.

This is especially true for younger workers who need closer mentoring and feel more isolated than their older colleagues. Carve out time in your calendar to meet regularly with them- they’ll feel more connected, more appreciated, and more likely to stay with your company for the long haul.

Still stuck? Look to your employees

Need more reward and recognition ideas? Look no further than your own workers. Create a survey where employees can pick their preferred way to be acknowledged or simply ask team members during your next 1-on-1 or staff meeting. You’re guaranteed to recognize your employees in a way that’s best for them.

And don’t forget to take these ideas and incorporate them into plans for the official Employee Appreciation Day, specialized workplace holidays, and developing an employee rewards program for your company.

While the end of the year is a crucial time to acknowledge your employees, your company needs to create a year-round recognition program to keep workers engaged. At Adecco, we’re dedicated to helping your organization do just that. Read our article on how to develop an effective recognition and rewards program or download our ‘Resetting Normal’ report for more workplace insights.

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Green game-changers: Getting ready for the future of work Tue, 23 Nov 2021 14:32:00 +0000 Climate change dominates the headlines. And with the federal government increasingly ambitious about securing US leadership on cleantech, our economy’s green transformation looks set to be huge. Yet, as business leaders focusRead More...

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Climate change dominates the headlines. And with the federal government increasingly ambitious about securing US leadership on cleantech, our economy’s green transformation looks set to be huge. Yet, as business leaders focus on recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, many will be tempted to put sustainability on the back burner.

That would be a mistake.

Brands using sustainability as a differentiator are reaping the financial rewards. (They also have lower staff turnover and attract more top talent.)

Below, learn our top sustainability hacks for profitable growth.

Pivot to changing priorities

Nearly 70% of consumers favor sustainable or eco-friendly brands and are willing to spend more on them. From switching to sustainable packaging, to recycling, to choosing a renewable energy provider, there are simple, affordable tweaks that can make a significant difference. When you begin marketing these improvements to your customers and employees, be careful not to oversell or ‘greenwash,’ though. Be honest and specific about your brand’s sustainability efforts, and make sure any green ambition statements are in proportion to your actual efforts.

Get ahead of the legislative curve

Two-thirds of Americans think the government should do more on climate change. Many green policies attract broad bipartisan support, including carbon capture tax credits, tree-planting projects, and clean energy initiatives. And while legislative reform at the federal level can feel glacial, 15 states and territories have already passed sweeping clean energy and pollution-reduction programs. Businesses who are early adopters of green business practices won’t be scrambling to react when federal and state legislation – and penalties – start to hit.

Set up a sustainability committee

Chances are, many of your employees are passionate about sustainability. A small, multidisciplinary committee of influential leaders and engaged employees can lead the charge internally and help steer your green initiatives into a competitive advantage. Kick off with an audit of your company’s current sustainability programs and look for new opportunities, like reducing your carbon footprint, packaging waste, and water usage. Once you’ve identified issues, prioritize the initiatives that make the most sense for your company and start setting targets.

Make a sustainability plan

Outline how your organization plans to achieve your green vision, and be sure to include measurable milestones to track and benchmark your progress. Your plan might include sustainable sourcing (switching to green office supplies or installing energy-efficient appliances), which can save you dollars on operating costs. You can even organize tree-planting or litter-picking events, which can double as great team-building activities.

Offer client incentives

Give your customers options. For example, you could offer sustainable packaging materials or carbon-offset delivery options for a small added fee. Something as simple as giving hotel guests the option to forgo daily sheet changes can lower energy costs by as much as 25%, so it’s always worth giving your clients the freedom to choose.

And don’t forget to report regularly on your progress to highlight any wins, offer transparency, and demonstrate your ongoing commitment.

Find nonprofits and business groups who can help

A range of financial incentives exists to support renewable energy and green transformation efforts and support frontline communities and workers in the energy transition. The US Green Chamber of Commerce has some great advice, tips, and hacks for business owners looking to green their operations, while consulting firms, large and small, offer green transformation advice for employers. And consider working towards a certification, like a green business or green building certification, to shout loud and proud about the progress you are making.

Give reskilling and upskilling opportunities

Green jobs span a wide range of industries, and not just in obvious areas like renewables. Green roles are popping up in a range of sectors from finance to fashion to transportation. You can attract and retain employees by offering opportunities to gain new and in-demand green skills. Consider setting up a green certification program for your employees, either external or in-house, to level up their green credentials. And remember: As much as 85% of jobs in 2030 haven’t been invented yet, so keep your workforce nimble, agile, and ready to pivot to whatever the future brings.

At Adecco, we’re here to partner with you as you navigate this complex, ever-changing environment. Read our article on the skills for the green economy, and download our research paper on the broader trends impacting our working world.

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COVID’s master multi-taskers: How to keep parents for the long-haul Thu, 18 Nov 2021 14:14:00 +0000 Why aren’t you working right now? 5 million Americans say there’s one big reason: They’re caring for children who aren’t in school or daycare. Frequent COVID-19 outbreaks are creating unexpected school closuresRead More...

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Why aren’t you working right now?

5 million Americans say there’s one big reason: They’re caring for children who aren’t in school or daycare.

Frequent COVID-19 outbreaks are creating unexpected school closures and quarantines – and 80% of daycare centers report that they’re struggling to find enough child-care workers.

And the resulting juggling act for parents has hit their careers hard. Families are getting frazzled, and many women’s careers are being put on pause (Nearly 1.6 million mothers have left the American workforce in the pandemic era, leading to the lowest female participation rates since the 1970s). In turn, employers are finding it harder to hire and retain talent.

At Adecco, we believe the pandemic is an opportunity to reimagine work, and part of that is rethinking that elusive work/life balance. Below, learn what employers can do to attract and retain working parents.

Instill a family-friendly culture

Reduce stress and anxiety for working parents by ensuring your managers have the right mindset. Refocus their thinking on the value working parents bring to the table, including adaptability, leadership, and empathy. Supervisors can be more understanding of disruptions caused by sick children and daycare surprises (which are often causes of absenteeism and turnover). If you can, consider offering stipends for daycare or educational expenses. And – crucially – make sure employees exercising these benefits don’t face stigma or other barriers.

Meet parents where they are

Avoid making assumptions about what you think is best, and let parents take the lead. Make sure they feel comfortable telling you what accommodations work for them and which ones don’t by conducting listening sessions and anonymous surveys. When employers let parents decide what they can take on, they can stop the vicious cycle that can stunt parents’ career growth or cause them to stay out of the workforce altogether.

Measure performance on results, not hours

In workplaces where staying late is more important than the work getting done, parents can really struggle. Establish meaningful performance metrics based on merit, not hours. Discourage presenteeism and ‘busy metrics’ that could exacerbate burnout and turnover. These types of expectations can leave parents labeled as not committed or excited about their jobs. In turn, they can miss out on big projects or opportunities to advance their careers. Again, this is another area where employers can step up and make an effort to create pathways for parents to advance and grow in their roles.

Rethink location

Parents tend to make location decisions based on school districts, housing costs, and their neighborhood or community. On the other hand, employers may prefer big cities or major industry hubs, but these may be precisely the districts working parents would rather avoid. While incentives like relocation packages only work for those with the flexibility and freedom to relocate geographically, opening up to more hybrid or fully remote positions can be key to getting fresh and committed talent.

At Adecco, we believe a diverse and welcoming workplace is key for every business’s long-term success. For more insights on the complex, unfolding issues shaping our working world, download our research paper, Resetting Normal: Defining The New Era Of Work.

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Questions to ask before you make that big career change Wed, 29 Sep 2021 21:21:00 +0000 It can be hard to course-correct once you’re on a particular career path, but the pandemic is triggering millions of Americans to do just that. Nearly 2 in 5 knowledge workers globallyRead More...

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It can be hard to course-correct once you’re on a particular career path, but the pandemic is triggering millions of Americans to do just that. Nearly 2 in 5 knowledge workers globally are changing or considering new careers.

So, what about you? Itching to get out from behind your desk? Or maybe you’re ready to get out of customer service? Or did the pandemic make the decision for you? Whatever your motivations, here are the questions to ask yourself to build the career you love.

What makes me happy?

You might not be doing what you always dreamt of doing, but are you on the right track? Start by examining your current job and the things that make you happy outside of work. Is there a way you can steer them closer together? Focusing on the parts of your job that you enjoy will help you narrow down what you want to achieve in your career.

Who could I talk to?

Are you truly stuck in a rut at work? Or is your current job helping you build your skills and connect with the right people? It helps to talk to people whose career paths you admire. They can give you an inside look at their day-to-day and give you advice on next steps you should take.

Should I join a growing industry?

While the pandemic decimated some industries, others simply can’t find enough workers. For example, 9 of the fastest-growing jobs in America are in healthcare, while demand for ‘green jobs’ like wind turbine technicians and solar panel installers is soaring. There’s a labor crunch in the tech sector, too. Changing careers can be challenging, so moving to an in-demand or high-paying role can make the hard work worth it.

What types of skills do I have?

Every employer who is hiring is trying to solve a problem. And the most convincing candidates show how they’re the solution to that problem. Take an inventory of your skills – including those that might not seem relevant at first. Don’t discredit experiences that aren’t an exact fit with your target role. And remember, soft skills – traits that speak to your character – are increasingly valued today. They’re what separate us from the bots. So be your own best advocate and show how you’re a great-to-work with kind of person.

Am I missing other important skills?

The opportunities are endless for people who are willing to pivot to fast-growing sectors, but don’t worry if some may require experience you don’t have yet. Our Aspire Academy offers free access to re-skilling and upskilling programs, including blueprint reading, machining, administrative skills, and management.

Can I test drive a new career?

All of these are clues as to the work you should be doing. Write them down, look for patterns, and pivot your career goals accordingly. Be sure to consider taking on a temporary assignment in your target sector. Not only will you gain relevant experience and network, but you can give it a trial run before committing to the long haul.

At Adecco, we believe there’s a great job for everyone. We’ve got your back when you decide to transition into a role that you love. Explore job openings in your area, or reach out to your local branch to learn more.

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Rethinking (and restarting) dress codes for your returning workforce Wed, 22 Sep 2021 13:14:59 +0000 Good-bye pajama pants – hello necktie? Even before the pandemic, cultural transformations were pushing many American businesses away from formal attire. From Goldman Sachs to JP Morgan, even the most traditional stalwartsRead More...

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Good-bye pajama pants – hello necktie?

Even before the pandemic, cultural transformations were pushing many American businesses away from formal attire. From Goldman Sachs to JP Morgan, even the most traditional stalwarts were relaxing dress codes in the hope of encouraging innovation, creativity, and individual autonomy. As workers return to the office after 18 months of working in sweatpants, the thought of returning to pre-pandemic wardrobes feels dull and oppressive to many. To help your employees make the transition – and avoid awkward fashion faux pas – you should be proactive and set clear standards.

Below, read six steps you can take to get your company’s back-to-work dress code just right:

Start with why

Many may not enjoy giving up their freedom, but your people will find your policy easier if you can provide a good reason for it – you can even consider asking for their input. For example: Just as our doctor’s scrubs and stethoscope gives us trust in her competence, the right office attire can boost your clients’ confidence in your people’s professionalism, creativity – and what your brand stands for.

Choose attire that reflects your brand

Is your culture creative and ‘start-up’? Or is it more staid, traditional, and corporate? By matching your brand ethos and corporate purpose, you can appeal to the people you want to hire and retain. Conventional thinking says that a more formal dress code will encourage your employees to take their work more seriously. But it can also stifle individuality. On the other hand, a casual dress code can give employees freedom to be themselves, serving as an attractive recruitment perk and retention mechanism.

Be clear

Your client-facing workers will have different expectations than those working in your contact center. An effective dress code is easy to understand and not open to individual interpretation. Give specific, visual examples of which clothes work and which clothes don’t. What does ‘business casual’ mean in detail? Does ‘casual’ include flip-flops and baseball caps? Make sure you explain and document your dress code policy in your employee handbook and on your employee intranet. And remember, certain employee segments like second-chance hires, younger workers, and workers who have been remote for a long time.

Build in wiggle-room

After the tumult of the pandemic, workers need re-energizing and may want to ‘dress happy.’ Before setting a prescriptive dress code, ask yourself: is this rule necessary? What’s the business reason? Do the benefits of having a polished-looking workforce outweigh the benefits of allowing your employees to feel comfortable in their own skin at work? Giving employees some freedom is a straightforward way to help them feel happier and more in control as they return to the office.

Be fair

You can use your dress code to stand against the subtle forms of discrimination that can creep into any workplace. For example, people of color regularly face discrimination in corporate America simply for wearing their natural hair to work. Other policies ruling out head coverings can discriminate against followers of certain faiths. And cultural norms around appropriate ‘male’ and ‘female’ clothing can exclude gender non-conforming employees. Use your dress code to make it clear that differences are something to celebrate in your workplace. And always have your legal team review any policies before sharing.

Don’t shy away from enforcement

A policy is useless if not enforced. Make sure your workers understand the repercussions of non-compliance, with appropriate and well-documented reprimands. For a first-time offense, a quiet word is probably enough. But if employees are repeatedly failing to follow the rules, you’ll have to react swiftly and firmly to uphold standards.

Clothing still matters, and perception is powerful. Creating an office dress code that’s fair, flexible, and enforceable is not easy, but we can help you find the middle ground between sneakers and dress shoes.

Learn more about how we help businesses of all sizes navigate today’s tricky labor environment. And for more insights on the complex, unfolding issues shaping our working world take a look at our freshly launched research Resetting Normal: Defining The New Era Of Work.

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It’s time to talk about mental health at work Thu, 16 Sep 2021 19:27:20 +0000 The pandemic has blurred the line between personal and professional life over the last 18 months, and in turn, mental illness has risen sharply. In a work setting, the symptoms of mental healthRead More...

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The pandemic has blurred the line between personal and professional life over the last 18 months, and in turn, mental illness has risen sharply. In a work setting, the symptoms of mental health problems can be complex and hard to pin down. We might have trouble getting motivated, avoid colleagues, become chaotic, or make mistakes that we wouldn’t typically make. Or we might experience burnout, a particular type of work-related stress, that Mayo Clinic describes as a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.

If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone: 32% of office workers globally said their mental health has worsened in the last 12 months, while 4 in 10 said worker burnout was a big concern for them. On the upside, more and more businesses are treating mental health as an urgent priority, but many workers still worry about the stigma and damage to their reputation at work.

So, what can we do to protect our mental health at work?

1. Practice self-love

When people push themselves too hard for too long, the loss of power and control can be overwhelming. People suffering from burnout tend to berate and blame themselves, but to move forward, it’s essential to forgive yourself for those perceived mistakes. Neuroscientists have discovered a direct link between self-compassion, resilience, and success. Only when we learn to accept our current position and forgive ourselves can we begin to take our power back.

2. Reframe the way you look at work

The antidote to burnout is not necessarily less work but more meaning. Whether you have a high-octane, high-pressure job, or one that is mundane and repetitive, try to find the value in what you do. Celebrate the little wins and focus on how your role helps others. Changing your attitude towards your job can help you regain a feeling of purpose and control.

3. Prioritize your relationships

Make time to maintain friendships, family ties, and bonds with your workmates, especially when work feels overwhelming. Mentors or small groups of trusted colleagues can provide a lifeline, so find out what support groups are available in your company. Or, if you can’t find what you’re looking for internally, look elsewhere. Organizations like Mental Health America can connect you with excellent support networks near you.

4. Look after your body

What’s good for your body is good for your mind. Make physical activity that you enjoy a part of your day, even if it’s a walk at lunchtime or exercise after work (making you officially off the clock). Aim for regular meals, drink plenty of water, and make sure you take time away to eat if you work at a desk. If you drink alcohol, don’t overdo it. Find other ways to unwind, like taking a much-needed vacation or practicing meditation or mindfulness.

5. Take a break

Don’t hedge your sense of worth solely around professional success. Think about what other skills you have. Achieving something outside work can boost your self-esteem, whether that’s reaching your daily steps target on your pedometer, knitting a sweater, or making a delicious meal for your family. 

6. Talk about it

Opening up isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s part of taking charge of your health.  Many employers provide paid or subsidized access to external resources that you can use anonymously; speak to HR about what’s available. It can be hard to talk about feelings at work, so you must find someone you feel comfortable with, whether your boss or a colleague.

7. Ask for help

If you feel your state of mind is affecting your ability to do your job, it’s probably time to talk to your boss. Although this can feel daunting, remember that your manager may be struggling to spot when employees have mental health issues, especially in remote settings (53% of all managers we surveyed said they struggled with this).

Set up a pre-planned face-to-face meeting, whether virtually or in person. In advance of the meeting, think through what you want to share and rehearse what you’re going to say. Be ready to explain how your mental health is affecting your work. If the cause is work-related, say it. If you can, come to the meeting prepared with suggestions about what your boss can do to help you. For example, if overwork is the problem, maybe you can suggest some non-urgent tasks to take off your plate. Or perhaps your boss could reduce your exposure to some of your more stressful responsibilities and colleagues.

Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that not every boss will respond with the compassion you deserve, so know what to do if the conversation doesn’t go well. Have a backup contact, perhaps someone in HR to talk to or a co-worker who can offer support.

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4 common-sense ways to promote mental health at work Thu, 16 Sep 2021 18:42:28 +0000 Overwhelmed, overworked, and overscheduled. If you’re not already prioritizing mental health needs of your workers, the time to act is now. Beyond the impact to your employees’ physical health (dramatically increased riskRead More...

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Overwhelmed, overworked, and overscheduled. If you’re not already prioritizing mental health needs of your workers, the time to act is now. Beyond the impact to your employees’ physical health (dramatically increased risk of stroke, fatal heart disease, substance abuse, and more), the costs for employers include high turnover, absenteeism, poor customer care, and declining organizational performance. Alarmingly, research shows that burnout can be contagious, impacting entire workforces.

According to just released Adecco research, 32% of workers globally said their mental health deteriorated in the last 12 months, while 4 in 10 said burnout is a significant cause for concern. And compounding the risk, 53% of all managers said they have not found it easy to identify when staff may be struggling.

Even small, subtle culture changes can have an outsized impact on your employees’ wellbeing. Here are four common-sense steps you can take to promote wellness among your workers (and consider sharing our tips for employees to avoid burnout):

1. Normalize mental health in your workplace

Acknowledging that mental illness is just like any other physical condition can make it easier for employees to bring up the challenges they’re facing. Warning signs like lethargy, cynicism, and absenteeism are more likely to go unnoticed in virtual or hybrid environments. Without daily in-person interactions to see facial expressions and body language, managers can struggle to spot emerging problems before it’s too late.

Make sure your leaders proactively send the message that your workplace is a safe place to talk openly. Consider leadership panels and group discussion circles where leaders share their personal experiences and advocate for self-care.

2. Meet people where they are

Leaders play a huge role in building a culture that supports inclusion and compassion. Mental health is fluid and can fluctuate as circumstances change. One person may be overwhelmed today, fine tomorrow, and struggling with unbearable anxiety the next week.

Remember that millions of Americans are dealing with financial struggles or personal grief in the pandemic’s wake. Some employee populations are more vulnerable to risk factors than others: Parents are shouldering the tremendous burden of school and daycare closures. And communities of color are at heightened risk because of larger challenges accessing mental healthcare and higher COVID hospitalization rates.

3. Reach out to remote workers

With the abrupt decline in face-to-face contact, it’s easy to forget how important we are to one another at work, setting the scene for feeling disconnected, a precursor to mental ill-health. Leaders can implement strategies to build social belonging, like buddy systems, mentor networks, and peer support groups. Find ways to talk more often, share more often, and ask questions that encourage employees to open up. Younger workers are at a particular risk of feeling stressed and isolated in today’s environment. Even something as simple as starting online meetings with five minutes of non-work-related small talk can increase feelings of connectedness and give leaders better opportunities to spot looming mental health problems.

4. Make healthy work-life balance a non-negotiable

Long working hours are a huge occupational health hazard. Yet, in America, many take pride in consistently working hours that the WHO considers dangerous. The US has been dubbed the ‘no vacation nation’ in stark contrast to places like the EU, where employees are entitled to a minimum of 20 days. Leaders must encourage self-care by instilling a culture of ample rest breaks and downtime (and by not glamorizing long hours). Stepping away from the daily grind helps employees recalibrate their perspective and often leads to the best ideas and innovations.

At Adecco, we believe the pandemic is an excellent opportunity to build a smarter and more purposeful workplace. For more insights on the complex, unfolding issues shaping our working world take a look at our freshly launched research Resetting Normal: Defining The New Era Of Work.

And why not share our guide to mental health at work with your employees?

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Ready for the next normal? 3 key takeaways from our study on the new era of work Fri, 03 Sep 2021 02:00:00 +0000 “People want flexibility now. Even if you can return to normal, your employees aren’t going to return to normal with you,” said Brian Welle from Google, a guest speaker at Thursday’s onlineRead More...

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“People want flexibility now. Even if you can return to normal, your employees aren’t going to return to normal with you,” said Brian Welle from Google, a guest speaker at Thursday’s online panel discussion to mark the launch of Adecco’s global study: ‘Resetting Normal.’ The event also featured Adecco Group CEO Alain Dehaze, Jean-Claude Le Grand, CHRO, L’Oreal, and Mary-Clare Race, Chief Innovation and Product Officer, LHH.

Below find three key takeaways from Thursday’s webinar:

1. Work is still getting done

Hybrid work is the new normal,” said Dehaze in his opening remarks. The report found that the pandemic has changed work tremendously, both as a place and an activity. But the last 18 months have proved that remote work doesn’t come with a loss of productivity and that a more inclusive and flexible way of working is possible. This presents both an amazing opportunity and a challenge for business leaders: “There are many positives in terms of flexibility, productivity. But there are also major pitfalls around wellbeing and burnout,” said Dehaze. “You must upskill and reskill yourself, not just in hard skills and digital skills, but especially in soft skills.”

2. Not every employee wants to be remote (or can be)

Le Grand said that the new hybrid world of work is a “new way of life” and “a fantastic moment of differentiation” for companies with vision and a sense of purpose. But he also spoke of an urgency to ensure fairness: “Between young and old. Between rich and poor. Between blue-collar and white-collar. Because at Loreal, for example, it’s clear that 50% of the people are unable to work remotely.”

3. Managers need more support.

Welle, Google’s VP of People Analytics, Performance Management and Job Architecture, called the shift to hybrid working a “transformative moment” in the way we work and manage talent. He stressed the importance of setting “new norms of communication” and making them explicit in the hybrid context.

He also spoke of the tremendous stress on managers, who are facing their own upskilling challenges, and he called on HR leaders to better support them. “Now, on top of doing the job that they are required to do, they are shouldering more responsibility for team health.” Welle’s view was backed up by our research: Nearly half of managers said they have not found the overall experience of managing other people easy over the past 12 months, while less than half of survey respondents said their managers meet or exceed expectations for creating good team morale and a good working culture.

Resetting Normal 2021 surveyed 14,800 knowledge workers across 25 countries on working practices, behaviors, and attitudes towards work. It is an essential read for leaders and companies as they continue to evolve and adapt for the next normal.

Watch the recording of the Adecco Group’s Resetting Normal webinar to learn more about the pitfalls of remote management, the importance of a sense of purpose, and Welle’s insights on Google’s experience shifting to a hybrid workforce. Or dig deep into our findings on your own and download the report today.

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The post Ready for the next normal? 3 key takeaways from our study on the new era of work appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.
