Talent Management and Recruiting Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/tag/talent-management-and-recruiting/ Wed, 19 Oct 2022 16:22:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/cropped-paragon-logo-32x32.png Talent Management and Recruiting Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/tag/talent-management-and-recruiting/ 32 32 ‘Quiet Quitters’: Are They Really the Problem? https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/quiet-quitters-are-they-really-the-problem/ Wed, 19 Oct 2022 16:22:26 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10063 There has been a lot of chatter around the trend “quiet quitting,” and I hesitated to contribute to the noise until I realized that everything being written had negative connotations. They areRead More...

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There has been a lot of chatter around the trend “quiet quitting,” and I hesitated to contribute to the noise until I realized that everything being written had negative connotations. They are saying “quiet quitters” are unmotivated slackers who do the bare minimum; they only want to do what they are paid to do and won’t go “above and beyond.”

But if you ask the employees, their response, according to a Monster survey, is that 61% are just burned out. And 72% of those burned out say the reason is their company is short-staffed. Surprisingly, although the buzz is everywhere, it seems that human resources haven’t caught up yet. SHRM recently reported that only 36% of HR professionals are aware of the term “quiet quitters,” and only half of those are concerned about the trend. So where is the disconnect?

Through this so-called “quiet quitting,” employees are actually screaming that enough is enough. In speaking with professionals across the industry, I’ve found the general consensus is that working 50-plus hours a week was affecting their mental health. Most had been trying to do their primary job for the first 40 hours and then trying to pick up any additional work for those who had been termed but not replaced during the next 10-20 hours. Weekends blended into the workweek because they needed time to catch up and prepare for the week ahead in order to combat the constant feeling of being behind on deadlines. Now, having scaled back for self-preservation — and being called out for doing so — those employees are wondering how “going above and beyond” became an expectation rather than an occasional service.

PREMIUM CONTENT: October 2022 US Jobs Report

But what are the solutions? Some experts say to pay employees more and they will be OK with working more. Some say provide recognition and employees will be happy to work more. Some say just communicate with employees, tell them why they have to work more and hope they will agree to do it. Meanwhile, the workers are begging employers to realize that it goes deeper than that. They need a workload balance, job sharing opportunities or updated processes that will enable them to be more efficient in performing their job. In order to accomplish this, they also need support from management and realistic deadlines.

From an employer perspective, I believe it’s an internal challenge. Maybe budgets are being cut, people are actually quitting, and talent is hard to find. It is true, according to SIA research, that there are more jobs posted than people available to work, even if every person in the US were employed. This means hiring more help isn’t always an option. So what else can companies do to lighten the load? If your culture is company-centric, then your challenge is going to be to understand the “quiet quitters” and find ways to improve processes so that the work still gets done without extra hours being expected.

If your company is employee-centric, then your challenge is going to be to listen to the “quiet quitters” and create an employee resource group think tank to help solve the root issues causing burnout. Employees will tell you which activities could be centralized and/or off-loaded. They know how to divide and conquer work among their teams. They know when to say no to customer requests. And they know which work efforts have already been tried and failed.

So, before you judge some of those employees who are starting to limit their work hours as “slackers” or call them “unmotivated,” look in the mirror and ask yourself what your organization can do to help get work done efficiently while retaining your valuable workforce.

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The Rise of Skills-Based Hiring: Why Ditch the Classic Job Description https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/the-rise-of-skills-based-hiring-why-ditch-the-classic-job-description/ Thu, 06 Oct 2022 12:00:30 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10042 Employers are in a tough spot. More than four million people in the US have quit their jobs each month this year as the Great Resignation rages on. Nearly one-third of employersRead More...

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Employers are in a tough spot. More than four million people in the US have quit their jobs each month this year as the Great Resignation rages on. Nearly one-third of employers say the skills gap has increased from a year ago, and 87% of employers report they have trouble finding qualified talent as a result.

A driving factor of the Great Resignation is that workers are re-thinking where careers fit into their lives. Many are choosing to join the contingent workforce for greater flexibility and work/life balance. Tapping into this growing worker class is becoming one of the best ways to secure in-demand skills. But the competition for these workers is also growing. Employers that take a skills-based approach to hiring will be best positioned to find, attract and retain the qualified workers they need in today’s tight market.

The Shift to Skills-Based Success Profiles

Organizations typically source talent using classic job descriptions. If an employer is looking for a project manager, for example, the job description outlines the project manager’s specific responsibilities. While this overview of the role sets expectations on the needs of the position, it doesn’t always convey the exact skills required to do the job nor what success really looks like.

Instead of including a line item in a job description about managing contracts with vendors and communicating expected deliverables, think about the negotiation skills it takes to be a great project manager. You’ll likely need someone who can be persuasive, who instinctively knows which negotiation styles work in each scenario, and who can collaboratively work with partners to reach common goals. Focusing your search on candidates with those precise skillsets in mind increases the likelihood that you’ll find the right person for the job.

PREMIUM CONTENT: The Talent Platform Landscape: 2022 Update

The Value of Skills-Based Hiring

Employers should use a skills-based strategy to expand access to qualified talent. By focusing on skills instead of looking first at previous job titles, you capture qualified external candidates you might not have otherwise considered. There could also be people within your organization that don’t carry the project manager title but possess the necessary skills and are interested in a new challenge.

Skills-based hiring strategies also boost worker engagement and retention. Putting people in roles based on their skillsets naturally keeps them energized and gives them new experiences. New Flextrack research uncovered 45% of contingent workers have terminated an assignment early due to dissatisfaction. Another 47% say they’d consider quitting an assignment early for a role with greater professional development. Companies that proactively give their workers growth opportunities and prioritize their satisfaction will stand to increase worker commitment.

Flip the Script on Skills Shortages

Finding skills is one thing. Figuring out how much to pay to secure those in-demand skillsets is another. Machine learning capabilities are adding value to employers’ skills-based hiring strategies by predicting the availability and market rates for specific collections of skills in a given geography.

Let’s say you are looking for a project manager with strong negotiation skills and other specific attributes, and you need them to be based on the East Coast. Machine learning technology can tell you the availability and going rate for these specific skillsets in Boston and compare with the market for these skillsets in Providence. You might uncover that you can get the same caliber of skills in the less-competitive Providence market for a better rate — and you know what you need to pay to attract the top talent in this market.

As workers re-evaluate what matters most to them in their jobs, it’s time for employers to rethink the strategies and technologies they’re relying on to build out their workforces. Think about the skills you need to move your priority projects forward and put those first when sourcing new roles. This mindset shift is essential for successfully navigating today’s tight labor market.

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Top Five Mistakes Healthcare Recruiters Make and How to Avoid Them https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/top-five-mistakes-healthcare-recruiters-make-and-how-to-avoid-them/ Wed, 05 Oct 2022 12:00:52 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10039 In the fast-paced environment of recruiting, even simple or seemingly small mistakes can cost you valuable candidates. Avoid these five common recruiting mistakes to attract more candidates, get them hired and takeRead More...

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In the fast-paced environment of recruiting, even simple or seemingly small mistakes can cost you valuable candidates. Avoid these five common recruiting mistakes to attract more candidates, get them hired and take your healthcare recruiting to the next level.

Not Utilizing Mobile Tactics

Recruiters must be highly adaptable to attract top clinicians. Utilizing mobile tactics and advanced technology like mobile apps, texting and chatbots offers a quicker, more interactive way to communicate with candidates and collect data throughout the process.

We have found that texting has response rates that are 50 times better than email, improving turnaround times and shortening the recruitment process. Mobile tactics like texting enable recruiters to get to know potential future employees and also give candidates room for flexibility by better accommodating busy schedules and allowing clinicians to respond to recruiter messages at their own convenience.

Not Leveraging Social Media

Social media platforms attract massive numbers of users who rely on these platforms for job hunting, making them great places for healthcare recruitment to attract clinicians to open job notices. Most major social media platforms have built-in advanced targeting capabilities that help recruiters reach the right candidates and drive more clinicians to the job listings. Social media is nearly unequaled for targeting specific audiences, yet only 13% of health systems report using it as part of their recruitment efforts.

Facebook groups and LinkedIn are especially popular for building professional networks and sharing healthcare staff openings. These platforms complement traditional recruitment tactics while growing a network of active and passive job seekers.

Leveraging social media is important because it allows recruiters to reach those passive candidates, who aren’t on job boards but might consider a new job if they see the right opportunity. Additionally, passive candidates not looking for new employment often forward interesting job notices to friends who are looking. These instant referrals help recoup paid social media marketing expenses and carry more weight than paid engagements because they come from trusted sources.

PREMIUM CONTENT: Online Job Advertising: 2022 Market Update

Avoiding Pay Transparency

Hiding pay is one of the most common ways recruiters lose the trust of job candidates.

Being transparent about pay and other job perks like benefits and ancillary support services significantly increases ability to attract top talent. Clear salary ranges inform clinicians if a role meets their expectations before they even apply, saving both employers and job seekers time. Pay transparency also helps in recruiting advanced practice professionals by eliminating compensation confusion from the start. Ongoing pay transparency helps retain these essential and highly sought clinicians by building stronger, more trusting and longer-term relationships between employers and employees.

Particularly now, as states ratify pay transparency laws, proactive health systems that embrace pay transparency in their recruitment process will stand out to candidates as organizations who look out for their employees.

Solely Relying on Generic Job Boards to Source Candidates

Traditional job boards like Monster and Indeed have long been the primary platforms to post general job openings. But they aren’t ideal for sourcing healthcare candidates, especially for specialty roles. In addition, many candidates have turned away from these platforms, which can inundate them with poorly matched job offers.

The best way to source healthcare candidates is through healthcare-focused marketplaces. Niche sourcing tools attract active job seekers, uncover passive candidates and streamline the healthcare recruitment process. Some platforms, such as ours at Vivian Health, directly connect recruiters to healthcare specialists to find quality candidates even faster.

Being Unresponsive

Failing to respond quickly to candidates is an easy way to lose them to a competitor. Consistent communication, even just quick check-ins, creates a more personal and positive experience for candidates and lets them know they are a priority.

Transparency, setting reasonable expectations and avoiding making promises that can’t be kept are key. If you say you’ll get back to them on a certain day or at a specific time, always follow through. A little extra effort, and you’ll stand out as a recruiter who’s honest and genuinely cares, which helps you attract a greater number of highly qualified candidates.

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Ten Ways to Reduce Your Candidate Acquisition Costs https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/ten-ways-to-reduce-your-candidate-acquisition-costs/ Mon, 03 Oct 2022 12:00:17 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10032 New candidates don’t appear out of thin air — finding new prospects requires investment. The amount you invest to attract a potential candidate for a new role is what is known asRead More...

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New candidates don’t appear out of thin air — finding new prospects requires investment. The amount you invest to attract a potential candidate for a new role is what is known as your candidate acquisition cost (CAC). This cost considers how much you spend on your recruitment team, tools and marketing and advertising spends to bring in new candidates.

The problem is when staffing firm owners have no clue of their acquisition costs and, as a result, invest too much into recruitment channels that don’t produce candidates and invest too little into the channels that work. On the flip side, firms that understand these numbers are more profitable and thus grow faster.

A rough calculation to find out that figure is to divide your recruitment outlays by the number of candidates attracted. However, you’re not out of the woods yet. Now that you know your acquisition cost, how do you know if it’s feasible? One way to have an idea is to look at the lifetime profit value, or how much money you’ll make over the average relationship you have with a placed candidate, and decide how much of that figure you’re willing to invest in acquiring another candidate.

Once you determine how much you’re willing to invest to acquire a new candidate and compare that to your current acquisition costs, then and only then can you optimally deploy your marketing dollars and drive down your CAC. Here are 10 ideas you can use within your staffing firm to reduce your costs to acquire candidates and subsequently improve your sales and marketing ROI.

Establish a formal referral program. Using the candidates you’ve already placed is one of the most cost-effective measures to help you find new candidates. For every referral you generate, you’ve cut your cost to acquire the original candidate in half!

Create a loyalty reward program. Loyalty programs help you differentiate, provide tangible value and fuel your word-of-mouth efforts. A program like this aimed at maintaining relationships increases lifetime value and, thus, your lifetime profit.

PREMIUM CONTENT: Online Job Advertising: 2022 Market Update

Optimize your advertising campaigns. By improving ad performance and optimizing your ads, you can eliminate wasted ad spend and allocate those funds towards attracting more candidates without increasing the budget.

Invest in training your recruiters. Implementing a training program can significantly decrease your CAC since any incremental improvement in contact or placement rates will magnify your current results.

Narrow your target audience. Focus your marketing dollars on your ideal candidates as opposed to casting a wide net.

Automate. Utilize sales and marketing automation tools so that your recruiters spend more time on high-value activities instead of menial tasks.

Nurture old or stale leads. You’ve already paid to acquire these candidates that have gone stale. Instead of considering them useless, engage them and see if they’ll reconsider your offerings.

Reduce labor costs/outsource. Keep your investment costs low by outsourcing or bringing on contract workers that execute certain tasks without being on the payroll.

Improve candidate web experience. What’s the point of traffic if it’s not converting? Upgrade your web presence so that more of your visitors find and reach you.

Retarget. Don’t consider web visitors who left your website a lost cause — run retargeting ads that follow them around the internet until they convert.

Wrapping It Up

Reducing the cost of attracting new candidates isn’t always easy, but once you’ve figured out your CAC, try these ideas as a part of your long-term strategy to reduce costs, increase profitability and grow faster than your competitors!

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Candidate Reusability – A New Approach to Direct Sourcing: Part Two https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/candidate-reusability-a-new-approach-to-direct-sourcing-part-two/ Mon, 19 Sep 2022 12:00:22 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10006 Part one of this series explored redeployment and the benefits it can provide when used effectively. In order to best take advantage of redeployment for your business, perhaps it makes sense to haveRead More...

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Part one of this series explored redeployment and the benefits it can provide when used effectively. In order to best take advantage of redeployment for your business, perhaps it makes sense to have additional discussions around how to retain and reuse proven contingent workers. How does your VMS and MSP help drive reuse? How do you partner with your suppliers to mutually benefit from redeploying known contractors and consultants?

“The redeployment trend (defined as contractors reassigned to a new engagement within one week of ending a prior one) two years ago was less than 6% and more recently has increased to between 6% and 10% amongst most enterprises,” says Colleen Tiner, SVP, product strategy at Beeline. “In talking with customers, we’ve learned the driver for the increase is largely attributed to the ability to make redeployed resources productive more quickly than new resources.”

Tiner recommends companies track their redeployment rates and take advantage of VMS features that help to increase the reuse of those workers that have demonstrated positive outcomes. There are some simple steps to improving redeployment you can try today if you are using Beeline’s VMS. Take advantage of engagement feedback and extension workflows to determine “eligibility to reengage” a month before an assignment ends so you can start discussions. When your managers open a new job, make sure you are reviewing candidates that have recently completed an assignment first (or will complete soon) — these are often presented as “Did You Know” embedded analytics.

You could also make some simple process changes. If a resource is eligible for reengagement but isn’t going to be extended, the internal team or MSP can begin to remarket that candidate within the organization as similar roles come out or automatically match that candidate with any requirements that list similar skill sets.

Magnit thinks of redeployment as the primary driver of talent mobility, which is a key to developing a more agile workforce and adapting to rapidly changing times. AI-powered technology can determine what it takes to be successful in a role and identify candidates within the client’s redeployment network who are a fit based on a comprehensive view of their skill set, past experiences and ability to learn new skills. In surfacing and ranking the best candidates within the client’s redeployment network, AI helps employers retain and broaden the skills of their talent, develop diverse talent and promote a growth mindset so critical to agility.

PREMIUM CONTENT: The US Gig Economy — 2022 Edition

Understandably, a lot of technologies have this capability in place, and the response is that it’s difficult to get hiring managers to be proactive.

Also, there would need to be considerations for an organization’s tenure policy, if they have one. But these are meaningful discussions when significant cost savings are on the line. Not only is there likely soft dollar savings from recruitment, training and on/offboarding, there is room to negotiate terms with staffing suppliers that if their candidate is redeployed, they agree to onboard those contingent workers at a payroll-plus-cost model. Since they are not marketing or recruiting the resource and likely already made a decent margin on the first project, it stands to reason they would be agreeable. It may also make sense to broker a contractual discussion with staffing firms in terms of how soon their candidates are able to be remarketed outside the organization.

Let’s think about it holistically. If you save, say, 10% per contractor on an existing direct sourcing program that captures 10% of your spend, and you save 6% on candidate reusability spend which captures 65% of your total spend, then you effectively have a 6x cost savings in your program via candidate reusability. It’s a win-win for all parties — the customer, the MSP, the VMS, the staffing vendor and the contingent worker.

While there are many ways to achieve cost savings in an organization, there is a strong business case for considering redeployment of resources as a core strategy because you benefit by retaining your highly sought-after contingent workforce while gaining efficiency and significant cost savings and increased diversity and inclusion in your contingent workforce program.

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Candidate Reusability – A New Approach to Direct Sourcing: Part One https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/candidate-reusability-a-new-approach-to-direct-sourcing-part-one/ Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:00:40 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10002 Talent provides a competitive edge for most enterprises, but it can also be a significant driver of cost. Cost control is always top of mind for executives, and with most experts estimatingRead More...

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Talent provides a competitive edge for most enterprises, but it can also be a significant driver of cost. Cost control is always top of mind for executives, and with most experts estimating that contingent workers make up almost 40% of the total workforce in the US, this population may be the key to both gaining that competitive edge and unlocking an organization’s cost savings. While there are many ways this can be accomplished, one trend that is emerging is a self-sourcing model of engaging contractors.

The rise of this on-demand talent, sourced outside of the traditional staffing firm model, uniquely allows enterprises to engage and source talent directly, typically through private or public talent pools. And while this sourcing model is considerably cheaper than paying staffing firm margins, it is not a silver bullet and likely only going to apply to a small percentage of your total talent needs. A key principle of private talent pools is that enterprises can benefit from staying connected to known talent (e.g., retirees, alumni, former interns) who can be contacted for potential contract opportunities in the future for just a little more than traditional payroll rates.

It’s not to say the self-sourcing model is irrelevant or doesn’t merit cost savings on its own, but what are companies doing to hold on to already known non-employee contractors or consultants to redeploy them proactively within the organization before they leave?

And while proponents of self-sourcing often tout that former employees and retirees are what make up these private talent pools, talent that originally came from a staffing firm is likely to be proactively redeployed to assignments at another customer. All of that internal knowledge, training and investment has been lost.

PREMIUM CONTENT: Direct Sourcing Platform Landscape

The redeployment of contract labor is arguably a much more powerful lever when it comes to benefiting from the proven quality of known resources while also gaining efficiencies in the onboarding process and cutting costs in training, management and possibly agency fees. There is also a key diversity and inclusion aspect that we cannot ignore. Rebecca Perrault, VP of diversity, equity and inclusion at Magnit, highlights this importance. “We are working hard with our clients to develop diverse contingent talent in their organizations, investing in the development of inclusion knowledge and enabling their success.  When we lose highly skilled talent at the end of their contracts, we are continually forced to start over. We need to do our best to redeploy our talent, both individuals from diverse demographic groups and all the talent we have developed, to contribute to the inclusive cultures our clients are creating.”

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But understanding who is onboard, when assignments will actually finish and a contingent worker’s capabilities is often difficult — even if a company has technology or services to help bring headcount and spend to light. It can be challenging to consistently understand who and where they work (especially if they are on an SOW or are project-based workers), what projects are they working on, whether these projects being delivered on time and within budget, and whether targets are being met.

As perplexing can be determining whether an assignment is actually going to be completed on the original contract end date, with close to 65% of all assignments being extended — often a week or so before the assignment is set to terminate.

But there is tremendous worth, both from cost and value to the business, in the redeployment of resources who are already familiar with your organization — people who have a proven track record of success, require little to no onboarding or training, and can add immediate value.

In part two of this series, I will explore ways to drive redeployment as a core strategy.

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Five Ways Recruiters Can Maximize Automation https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/five-ways-recruiters-can-maximize-automation/ Thu, 15 Sep 2022 12:00:45 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=10000 With a faltering economy and a tight labor market putting immense pressure on hiring, recruiters are turning to automation to deliver results. Bullhorn’s aggregated data shows that recruitment firms that use automation haveRead More...

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With a faltering economy and a tight labor market putting immense pressure on hiring, recruiters are turning to automation to deliver results. Bullhorn’s aggregated data shows that recruitment firms that use automation have a 64% higher fill rate and submit 33% more candidates per recruiter.

Here are five ways that firms are leveraging automation that you can employ to address today’s challenges.

Leave repetitive tasks to your technology. Automation is great for the simple, repetitive tasks that eat up recruiters’ valuable time. A great starting point for firms considering automation is using it for simple tasks like leaving notes in the applicant tracking system (ATS), creating calendar appointments and sending internal reminders. This frees up time for recruiters to focus on tasks that add real value, such as nurturing client and candidate relationships.

Increasingly intelligent recruitment tools are also capable of more complex tasks, such as recommending candidates for jobs (and jobs for candidates). Tools with artificial intelligence capabilities can review details on candidates in an instant, providing recruiters with valuable recommendations. This is particularly useful for temp or contingent workers, as it can cut redeployment time.

Keep your talent engaged. According to Bullhorn’s recent survey of 2,000 candidates, poor communication is the top reason that talent became frustrated with the recruiting process. The good news is that automation can help. Many of the routine interactions in the recruiting process, such as updating a candidate on their application’s progress, are ideal for automation.

Keeping candidates in the loop without communications feeling robotic depends on a tightly integrated tech stack. The system must be able to collate information from across channels to accurately personalize the messages and deliver them both at the right time and on the right channel.

This technology is also useful for reaching out to candidates at other important points, such as when they are approaching the end of their contract. These interactions maintain a relationship and ensure that the recruiter will be top of mind when the candidate starts looking for a new job.

PREMIUM CONTENT: The US Gig Economy — 2022 Edition

Take the friction out of onboarding. Many recruitment firms are already using automation to fill out paperwork and complete other important onboarding tasks. This is particularly valuable for firms that work with several industries, as the system can automatically account for differing policies on topics like pay, benefits, harassment and more. This same logic applies to firms that work across multiple countries, where employment laws may be different. The result is a fast turnaround and the elimination of potentially costly back-office mistakes.

Declutter your ATS. Manually organizing the ATS is a time-consuming task that frequently winds up at the bottom of the to-do list. However, keeping a recruitment agency’s data in good working order is fundamental to its success.

Streamlining data management is a natural fit for automation. An automated system can comb through records in a fraction of the time it would take a person and identify outdated entries, duplicates, people without contact information and records with no recent activity, all without the risk of human error. It can even update job, company and contract status automatically.

However, this is only possible when data can flow freely between systems, so recruiters must ensure that their ATS is correctly integrated with the other tools and platforms they use before pursuing automation. Further, as with any technology that involves data on people, businesses must be aware of the regulatory restrictions. Most modern automation solutions are compliant with data protection and privacy laws when used properly, but it is a firm’s responsibility to ensure that all processing activities are legal.

Scale your marketing with your business. Reaching out to candidates and clients across channels is another task that is ripe for automation. The technology can automatically personalize the content to ensure that it is relevant and applicable to each audience across different channels like web, mobile, email and social. To target contacts with tailored content, recruiters can define segments and lists for the marketing workflow.

At every step, the system provides in-depth data for recruiters or the sales team to review and refine their approach. Stats to keep an eye on are engagement score, pipeline revenue and the new lead close rate.

Automation isn’t some faraway possibility for the recruitment industry. It’s already helping many recruitment firms to thrive in a challenging environment, and those that haven’t adopted it will quite soon be in the minority.

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Find the Perfect Candidate with Temp-to-Hire Roles https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/find-the-perfect-candidate-with-temp-to-hire-roles/ Thu, 01 Sep 2022 12:00:49 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=9972 The labor market is tight, and as a result of the Great Resignation and Migration, companies are finding it difficult to find and retain good talent. As we are looking to widenRead More...

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The labor market is tight, and as a result of the Great Resignation and Migration, companies are finding it difficult to find and retain good talent. As we are looking to widen our talent pool, it can be useful to hire competent candidates who can be trained on the job.

Temp-to-hire roles can be thought of as short-term solutions that come with an opportunity for permanent employment. It can also be considered an extended interview in which the candidate and the role itself are evaluated for long-term potential.

A temp-to-hire employee is often hired by a staffing agency, and the employee remains on the agency’s payroll until they are hired by the company. With that said, the company may terminate the contract if they are not completely satisfied with the candidate. Companies also have an option to buy out the candidate if they wish to convert them to a full-time employee before the contract ends. Depending on the goals of each party, temp-to-hire roles can be a great option for both companies and candidates.

How Temp-to-Hire Employment Can Benefit Companies

Extended interview. These roles can provide insights into the candidate’s potential, including how they can contribute to the company’s growth and how they fit in with the rest of the team.

Cost savings. Since the time to hire is lower when it comes to this approach, the overall cost is also reduced. The company also saves money that may have otherwise been lost by keeping the position open. It’s not required to offer benefits that traditional, full-time roles entail, so this adds another layer of savings.

Moreover, the company can take a few weeks or months to evaluate a candidate in action, significantly minimizing the cost of a bad hire, which can be up to 30% of the hire’s first year earnings.

Trial run for new roles. If a company is thinking about adding new roles and isn’t sure if it will produce any measurable outcome, temp-to-hire employment can be an effective option. Other employees will also appreciate the extra hands on deck when the work volume is high.

PREMIUM CONTENT: Largest Finance Accounting Staffing Firms in the US: 2022 Update

How Temp-to-Hire Employment Can Benefit Candidates

These kinds of roles can give candidates an opportunity to see if a position is right for them while also getting paid. It can be apt for people who are looking to learn new skills or experimenting with new career options.

During the contract, candidates are able to make new connections and can get to know the team, making it easy for them to transition to permanent employment if it turns out to be the right fit.

Potential Downsides to Consider

All roles require some amount of training, and a temp-to-hire job means that companies need to spend time training a candidate that may or may not end up on the official payroll. The candidate pool may also not be large for this employment type, as people who are looking for a stable position may not consider it.

Implementing the Perfect Temp-to-Hire Strategy

While hiring for temp-to-hire roles, it is crucial to be selective and think about long-term goals instead of simply considering short-term needs. It can be effective to onboard temp-to-hire employees just like you would with regular employees and provide all the necessary tools they’ll need to find success at your company. To test their fit, be sure to present candidates with new challenges and goals to work toward and use every opportunity to train them and assess their potential.

Even if the role is not needed through the year, you may consider giving temporary workers hybrid roles and allowing them to explore different avenues, especially during times when great talent is hard to find.

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Streamlining Inefficient Leave of Absence Processes: Five Key Benefits of Using an Automation Platform for LOA https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/streamlining-inefficient-leave-of-absence-processes-five-key-benefits-of-using-an-automation-platform-for-loa/ Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:00:01 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=9961 Helping employees easily take protected leave during crises is one of the best ways to ensure that employees feel cared for. However, many companies are still processing LOA requests the old-fashioned way:Read More...

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Helping employees easily take protected leave during crises is one of the best ways to ensure that employees feel cared for. However, many companies are still processing LOA requests the old-fashioned way: managing them with MS Excel, tracking them with calendar entries and filling out documents by hand. For several companies I have worked with, this process took an average of eight hours per protected LOA request.

Using No-Code Business Process Platforms to Automate LOA

Manual processes are the primary bottleneck to LOA process efficiency. To digitize, companies could attempt to code custom workflows, but many companies will have neither the personnel nor time to take on the task. Because of this, some companies opt to outsource LOA management, but that can cost upwards of $400 per LOA case. Luckily, there’s a better option: no-code business process automation (BPA) platforms.

These platforms operate using logic-driven systems and a visual development interface, allowing workflows to be digitized simply by dragging and dropping custom pieces of a visual workflow chart. To get started, companies simply identify the steps in existing workflows and input them into the visual workflow chart. No-code partners will then assist with custom automation triggers for each step.

Five Key Things to Look for in an Automation Platform for LOA

Full compliance with federal and state rules. With rules and forms changing constantly, managing compliance can be difficult for even the most well-staffed HR departments. With the right BPA platform, rules will automatically change depending on new legislation and reduce exposure to legal challenges.

Integrated recommendation engine. BPA platforms have turned the vast human knowledge in LOA into an integrated guidance engine that recommends the appropriate leave based on the leave reasons chosen by the team member.

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Integration with your HRIS. Companies can realize the full ROI of their current HRIS by seamlessly integrating with a BPA platform. However, not all automation platforms are designed for the intricacies of LOA automation. Unless the platforms are integrated with the LOA system, there is always a duplication of work involved. Therefore, it is important to understand the level of integration offered to reap the full benefits of LOA automation.

Flexibility. One of the key benefits of a no-code automation platform is flexibility. One key question to ask when considering a platform for LOA automation: Can you shape the platform exactly to your processes and needs? For instance, can it send notifications to the supervisor during a specific milestone in your process? If your employees respond better to text, you will also want to see if it can send text messages to the employee at a given milestone.

Process focus. While some BPA platforms focus on data management, HR departments require an automation platform with a process focus. Because good data is a byproduct of good processes, when a BPA focuses on processes, the result is both streamlined processes and high quality data.

What Will Your Employees Remember from Pivotal Moments?

In an age of job-hopping and talent shortages, companies need, now more than ever, to make sure their employees are well cared for. When it comes to caring for your employees, how you treat them during crises will shape how they see you more than any other time. The first step of getting this right is making sure that they’re able to take the leave they need, hassle free, and nothing makes this easier than no-code business process automation platforms.

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Building a Modern Approach to Candidate Sourcing and Retention https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/building-a-modern-approach-to-candidate-sourcing-and-retention/ Tue, 09 Aug 2022 08:00:36 +0000 http://www.thestaffingstream.com/?p=9930 The current employment market is tipped in favor of candidates over recruiters, with a whopping 1.29 million vacancies available in the UK in July 2022. More so than ever, recruiters cannot affordRead More...

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The current employment market is tipped in favor of candidates over recruiters, with a whopping 1.29 million vacancies available in the UK in July 2022. More so than ever, recruiters cannot afford to be complacent. Job seekers are in the driving seat, and if the recruitment process isn’t seamless, they are likely to go elsewhere.

In today’s challenging hiring landscape, there are crucial steps to be followed by recruiters to actively improve the candidate experience. By speeding up time to hire and focusing on nurturing personal connections and authenticity, consultants will deliver on today’s candidates’ expectations and ensure a strong pipeline of talent for the roles they seek to fill.

Attract strong candidates with memorable branding. The need to build a strong brand to draw candidates to register with an agency has never been more urgent, especially with escalating job board costs. With such a large number of positions to be filled in any given sector or geographical area, agencies must truly innovate and stand out from the competition in order to be noticed.

Creating a strong brand profile is always the first step in candidate attraction. Building a strong reputation as a trustworthy agency by creating high-quality, memorable and consistent branding is an agency’s best chance at engaging with prospective candidates and convincing them to apply for open jobs. Working with a recruitment website provider with brand-focused design is key, but it’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetics. Most important is the user experience; the website needs to perform with navigation that is specifically built to maximize candidate engagement and job applications. A specialist recruitment website provider can also support with digital inclusivity, incorporating technical best practice.

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Offer an engaging candidate experience. Once candidates are registered, it’s all about moving them smoothly and quickly through the candidate journey to get the results that they deserve.

The candidate experience should always be led first and foremost by genuine human interaction. Jobseekers today are savvy and, with so many open roles, can choose who they engage with. Consultants need to make time for personal interaction, not only to build better relationships but to increase the likelihood of job acceptance through insights into candidate expectations. Recruiters who stay connected and deliver constructive and timely feedback will be able to place candidates more quickly and aid worker retention.

Automate administrative inefficiencies. Recruitment technologies have advanced significantly, so it’s crucial that recruiters leverage best-in-class software to increase efficiency and improve time to hire. Poor data synchronicity is a key issue that stands in the way of many staffing firms being as efficient as they could be.

An intuitive recruitment CRM should act as an agency’s central hub with all relevant information accessed from one place and integrated with their website and back office pay and bill solutions. For consultants, a clunky CRM that slows the recruitment process puts placements at risk. Automation of laborious administrative tasks frees consultants to spend more time with their candidates and clients. For example, digitizing candidate screening benefits both consultants and candidates alike by making the onboarding process more efficient and removing human error. Automated screening software enables consultants to verify candidates’ credentials and carry out background checks, including right to work, quickly and securely.

Strike the right balance between human connection and efficiency. The modern candidate wants a blend of authentic human interaction and a speedy hiring process. Recruitment agencies can achieve this by leveraging digital technologies to support skilled consultants acting with authenticity. By doing so, agencies can reduce the time to hire and ensure that they are attracting and placing quality candidates for their clients every single time.

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