sustainability Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing Wed, 02 Feb 2022 18:09:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sustainability Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing 32 32 Commit to green: How to create a sustainability plan for your business Wed, 02 Feb 2022 18:09:35 +0000 Going green isn’t just good for the planet. It’s good for business too. Airline giant United Airlines saved $2 billion by making lighter, greener planes to drive down fuel costs. By switchingRead More...

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Going green isn’t just good for the planet. It’s good for business too. Airline giant United Airlines saved $2 billion by making lighter, greener planes to drive down fuel costs. By switching from paper towels to air dryers Soldier Field is saving $12,000 a year. Amazon, Facebook, and Google? Their implementation of sustainable practices like wind and solar power is saving them 10% on their utility bills.

With top companies making green business practices more commonplace and 77% of American consumers motivated to purchase from environmentally-conscious companies, creating a sustainability plan is imperative to ensure success for your business.    

Luckily, it’s easy being green. Here are five steps to develop your own sustainable business plan:

1. Identify your environmental risks

Does your company rely on fossil fuels? Do you make products made from non-recyclable materials? The first step in creating a sustainability plan is to determine what aspects of your business practices can have negative impacts on the environment. Check out a full list of business environmental risks and be objective – How many risks have your company failed to address and how can your business correct them?

2. Match sustainability goals with business goals

It’s been proven that going green can add more green to your company’s bank account – but what about your other business goals? For example, if expansion is in your future how can you make sure your next offices are greener? Be specific in your goals to educate and motivate your employees and send a clear message to your consumers.

Keep in mind that adopting sustainable business practices isn’t something you can just do when Earth Day rolls around or for a flashy marketing campaign. It’s a lifelong initiative and the best way to future-proof your business. With two-thirds of Americans agreeing that the government is doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change and policies like a carbon tax attracting bipartisan support, we’ll be seeing more green legislation – and more penalties for businesses not being sustainable – in the coming years.

3. Partner with other environmentally conscious brands and communities

The average consumer isn’t just going green but is making more educated buying decisions. With two-thirds of customers saying they want to purchase from brands that advocate sustainability, green business certifications are on the rise to let buyers know they’re supporting sustainable companies. Membership in environmental communities like the US Green Chamber of Commerce can also show customers they can trust your practices are sustainable while connecting you with other businesses for partnership and advice.

Partnering with a non-sustainable company can negate any strides you’ve made in implementing your sustainable business plan. Working with green vendors can be as easy as partnering with a local business to reduce driving distance and fuel costs, partnering with companies that boast green manufacturing practices, or teaming up with a business that supports the local community.

4. Don’t forget about social and economic impacts

Corporate sustainability is comprised of three pillars: environmental, social, and economic. Make sure all three are incorporated into your sustainability plan. Socially, you’ll need to maintain acceptance from employees, stakeholders, and the public. This means treating employees well, making meaningful (and green) partnerships, and engaging with the community.

As for the economic pillar, align your company’s spending practices with environmental values and prioritize both equally. Incorporating economic factors into your sustainability plan will prevent you from adopting extreme measures in the name of going green. For example, transitioning from fossil fuels to cleaner energy can be taken in phases rather than all at once.

5. Build mechanisms for metrics and feedback

The success of your sustainability plan will be determined by both metrics and feedback from your consumers and employees. When writing your business goals determine how you will measure success. If you’re looking to reduce water waste this can be as simple as comparing your office water bill from one month to another.

Feedback on how your business is incorporating sustainable initiatives will help determine if your goals are attainable. Ask your leaders if they’ve had any problems implementing more sustainable practices and find solutions that still fit within your goals. Getting feedback from customers through surveys, social media, and live chats can confirm whether your sustainability plan matches consumer desire or whether there is another green initiative you can take to attract and keep loyal clients.

At Adecco, our goal is to help make your company future-proof, including by helping you create a sustainability plan to stay on top of business trends. For more insights on how sustainability is driving the future of work, read our article on green game-changers or check out which skills are in high demand for companies in the new green economy. 

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How-To: Update your resume with skills for the green economy Mon, 03 Jan 2022 22:24:34 +0000 85% of the jobs that will be in demand in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. These new jobs, and the new skills required to do these new jobs, stem from theRead More...

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85% of the jobs that will be in demand in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. These new jobs, and the new skills required to do these new jobs, stem from the shift toward the green economy or an economy based on lowering environmental risks.

Is your resume ready to impress employers taking a greener approach? According to research in our white paper, Skills for the Green Economy, the energy sector alone can produce 18 million new jobs if workers have the right skills (or can be trained on these skills) to adapt to green practices.

Here are the top opportunities to look out for and green economy skills to add to your resume:

Green skills will drive the automobile industry

In just five years over 1/3 of all cars sold will be electric vehicles, hybrids, or plug-ins. As a result, automobile companies will look for new talent with the right skills to drive their business through this transition. The jobs that will need filling? Network engineers and software specialists to help design vehicles, mechanics and manufacturers to produce batteries, and educated salesforce members to sell new products.

A whole range of skills from software design to systems analysis will be in-demand for the automobile sector. Want to learn these skills and add them to your resume? Our sister company, Modis, has developed a state-of-the-art reskilling program where you can get trained to work for the automobile industry and more.

Maintenance will make a big comeback

Reduce, reuse, repair? As Americans are shifting to throwing out less and recycling more, households will make an effort to maintain products like appliances and electronics instead of buying more. Even Ikea, famed for being the face of the “fast furniture” industry, will focus on offering repair and maintenance services to prolong the life span of their products.

According to new Pew research, demand for mechanical skills like repairing and system maintenance will see a 27% increase in the new green economy. Highlight these skills for the green economy on your resume, along with knowledge of specific equipment and your ability to problem-solve to help you land a future maintenance job.

Analytical skills are increasing in importance

The trend in future work isn’t just going greener. It’s going smarter, too. As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technology continues to permeate the workforce, edging into traditionally manual jobs like warehousing, too.

How exactly? Fields like warehousing rely more and more on computer programming to run complex machinery and systems analysis to maintain their supply chain. According to Pew, system analysis rates as the most critical analytical skill for the green economy, while programming is the green skill that will increase in demand the most.

But soft skills will still reign supreme

While technology will help shape green economy skills, soft skills will remain fundamental. When asked to rate 35 skills on importance, employers listed soft skills as the top four most crucial. In order of importance, they are active listening, speaking, critical thinking, and reading comprehension.

Learning how to sell your soft skills will be increasingly important on both your resume and in your job interview. Instead of listing basic skills like “speaking,” give examples of meetings you’ve led, or presentations given. With 92% of recruiters agreeing that soft skills are as important (or more important) than hard skills, don’t overlook the importance of these on your resume.

How do I get these skills?

Whether you need training on analytical skills or want to expand your soft skills, the Adecco Aspire Academy can help. Through a partnership between the Adecco Foundation US and Penn Foster, courses ranging from “Warehousing and Distribution” to “Stress and Time Management” are available to you free of charge. Enroll now and check out what green skills you can learn.

At Adecco, we’re here to help you through every stage of your career. Whether you’re returning to work, looking for a new opportunity, or just starting out in the workforce, you can find support from one of our local recruiting teams.

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Green game-changers: Getting ready for the future of work Tue, 23 Nov 2021 14:32:00 +0000 Climate change dominates the headlines. And with the federal government increasingly ambitious about securing US leadership on cleantech, our economy’s green transformation looks set to be huge. Yet, as business leaders focusRead More...

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Climate change dominates the headlines. And with the federal government increasingly ambitious about securing US leadership on cleantech, our economy’s green transformation looks set to be huge. Yet, as business leaders focus on recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, many will be tempted to put sustainability on the back burner.

That would be a mistake.

Brands using sustainability as a differentiator are reaping the financial rewards. (They also have lower staff turnover and attract more top talent.)

Below, learn our top sustainability hacks for profitable growth.

Pivot to changing priorities

Nearly 70% of consumers favor sustainable or eco-friendly brands and are willing to spend more on them. From switching to sustainable packaging, to recycling, to choosing a renewable energy provider, there are simple, affordable tweaks that can make a significant difference. When you begin marketing these improvements to your customers and employees, be careful not to oversell or ‘greenwash,’ though. Be honest and specific about your brand’s sustainability efforts, and make sure any green ambition statements are in proportion to your actual efforts.

Get ahead of the legislative curve

Two-thirds of Americans think the government should do more on climate change. Many green policies attract broad bipartisan support, including carbon capture tax credits, tree-planting projects, and clean energy initiatives. And while legislative reform at the federal level can feel glacial, 15 states and territories have already passed sweeping clean energy and pollution-reduction programs. Businesses who are early adopters of green business practices won’t be scrambling to react when federal and state legislation – and penalties – start to hit.

Set up a sustainability committee

Chances are, many of your employees are passionate about sustainability. A small, multidisciplinary committee of influential leaders and engaged employees can lead the charge internally and help steer your green initiatives into a competitive advantage. Kick off with an audit of your company’s current sustainability programs and look for new opportunities, like reducing your carbon footprint, packaging waste, and water usage. Once you’ve identified issues, prioritize the initiatives that make the most sense for your company and start setting targets.

Make a sustainability plan

Outline how your organization plans to achieve your green vision, and be sure to include measurable milestones to track and benchmark your progress. Your plan might include sustainable sourcing (switching to green office supplies or installing energy-efficient appliances), which can save you dollars on operating costs. You can even organize tree-planting or litter-picking events, which can double as great team-building activities.

Offer client incentives

Give your customers options. For example, you could offer sustainable packaging materials or carbon-offset delivery options for a small added fee. Something as simple as giving hotel guests the option to forgo daily sheet changes can lower energy costs by as much as 25%, so it’s always worth giving your clients the freedom to choose.

And don’t forget to report regularly on your progress to highlight any wins, offer transparency, and demonstrate your ongoing commitment.

Find nonprofits and business groups who can help

A range of financial incentives exists to support renewable energy and green transformation efforts and support frontline communities and workers in the energy transition. The US Green Chamber of Commerce has some great advice, tips, and hacks for business owners looking to green their operations, while consulting firms, large and small, offer green transformation advice for employers. And consider working towards a certification, like a green business or green building certification, to shout loud and proud about the progress you are making.

Give reskilling and upskilling opportunities

Green jobs span a wide range of industries, and not just in obvious areas like renewables. Green roles are popping up in a range of sectors from finance to fashion to transportation. You can attract and retain employees by offering opportunities to gain new and in-demand green skills. Consider setting up a green certification program for your employees, either external or in-house, to level up their green credentials. And remember: As much as 85% of jobs in 2030 haven’t been invented yet, so keep your workforce nimble, agile, and ready to pivot to whatever the future brings.

At Adecco, we’re here to partner with you as you navigate this complex, ever-changing environment. Read our article on the skills for the green economy, and download our research paper on the broader trends impacting our working world.

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