Pandemic Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing Sat, 01 Jan 2022 05:54:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pandemic Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing 32 32 Big hiring? Mass resigning? Here are the top hiring trends for 2022 Sat, 01 Jan 2022 05:54:00 +0000 The Great Resignation. COVID-19. A work-from-home revolution. The hiring process has undergone serious changes over the past year. And these changes are going to carry over into the new year. With aRead More...

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The Great Resignation. COVID-19. A work-from-home revolution. The hiring process has undergone serious changes over the past year. And these changes are going to carry over into the new year.

With a record number of job openings, you’ll need to be on top of this year’s talent acquisition trends to attract (and keep) the best workers. Here’s what to look out for in 2022:

Job hunts are starting…right now

New year, new job? Expect an influx of applications at the start of the year. According to a Harris Poll study, 59% of employed Americans who plan on quitting their job will be looking for work between now and February. And with the “Great Resignation” reporting record quit rates for Americans in 2021, get ready for a record number of candidates as well. It’s expected that there will be 7 million more employed Americans in 2022 than in 2021. 

With the total number of potential applicants growing, so is the number of diverse candidates. Take this opportunity to improve inclusion at your company. Candidates from different backgrounds, such as those who are neurodiverse and veterans entering the workforce, possess different skillsets than traditional job seekers and can give your company a competitive advantage.

The Great Resignation will continue

One of the biggest hiring trends from 2021, the “Big Quit” as some experts call it will continue into 2022. In fact, it’s only picking up speed. A record 34.5 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021, with most resignations happening at the end of the year. It’s more important to invest in recruitment now more than ever: experts predict that almost a quarter of the American workforce plans to resign in the next 12 months.

Younger employees are twice as likely to resign from their jobs in 2022. From creating developmental plans to supporting mental health, learn how you can support younger workers during the pandemic to keep your team intact.

COVID-19 is sticking around

With new variants springing up every year, the pandemic is shaping many current hiring trends. Make employee safety your top priority and check out our webinar on how to navigate vaccine mandates while we wait for the final say from the government on how businesses need to proceed. 

While COVID is disrupting the workplace, keep in mind that it’s also impacting schooling. With more school districts shutting down over staff shortages and increasing infections, offer your workers more flexibility. Learning how to retain parents can help you keep your best employees as two out of every five parents have changed jobs due to the pandemic.

Be ready to hire

With tight competition for the best talent, you want to be ahead of the hiring trends for 2022, not behind. That means you’ll need to be ready to act when you find the best talent. Proactive recruiting is one of the biggest recruitment trends, meaning you’ll have to rely on social platforms, events, and hiring a recruiter to find the most qualified candidates.  

While finding applicants is important, getting them interested in your open positions is crucial. Since the start of the pandemic, workers are prioritizing flexibility more and more. Our research shows that 41% of workers are currently moving, or are considering moving, to a job with more flexible working options like working remotely, choosing their own hours, and forgoing the typical 40-hour workweek. Make sure to highlight the flexible options you provide (or start providing them) to not lose quality applicants.

What’s Adecco doing?

We’re here to help you stay ahead of the hiring trends for 2022. As the holidays are ending, we’re catching qualified workers as they leave their peak season job, expanding our talent database in time for you to fill your open positions. Whether you’re looking for temporary workers or direct hires we’ll help you find the right fit.

How? As the job market evolves, so do we. From grassroots blitzes to partnering with different job boards, we’re working to expand our reach bringing you the best candidates. By leveraging different technologies like our Pay on Demand service, we’re attracting more applicants who are ready to work for you.

It’s also our job to stay up to date on the latest market data and learn what workers are looking for in employment. Check out our monthly jobs report for a breakdown of the hiring practices for your industry/location and our pay rate calculator to make sure you’re offering a competitive salary to be ahead of other businesses.

Ready to be ahead of the current hiring trends? Contact us today to help you find the best talent and make 2022 your best year yet. 

Our services don’t end at finding the right people. At Adecco, we encourage the training of candidates after placement through our Aspire Academy to ensure a perfect fit and encourage employee retention. Check it out and head to our blog for more resources on how to support your workers in 2022 and beyond.

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How employers can navigate the semiconductor shortage Mon, 26 Jul 2021 21:49:00 +0000 In the digital age, semiconductor chips have been popping up all around us, from connected cars, to smart home lightbulbs, to robotic vacuum cleaners. In the past year, a perfect storm ofRead More...

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In the digital age, semiconductor chips have been popping up all around us, from connected cars, to smart home lightbulbs, to robotic vacuum cleaners. In the past year, a perfect storm of factors – from COVID-induced disruptions to fragile supply chains, to geopolitical tensions – has sent demand for semiconductors surging far beyond current supply capacity. The resulting shortage, which was being felt as early as in the April jobs report, has been peaking in recent weeks. Facing a throughput time of three months or longer, many industries are waiting until supply and demand are back in sync.

If employers are to build the resilience needed to navigate – and thrive – in this tricky reality, they will need to start building more adaptive business strategies. Below, better understand the impact this could have on your workforce planning and how working with agile, experienced staffing partners can help

Automotive sector is hardest hit

Although the impact is being felt across all verticals of the US economy, the automotive sector remains the hardest hit, with a ‘severe decline’ in automotive production – and employment. Automakers are hemorrhaging profits, with the sector expected to produce four million fewer cars this year than last. (This comes on the heels of a modest recovery in the industry after car sales fell off a cliff at the height of the pandemic last year.)

Many automotive manufacturers must reduce production. From a jobs perspective, employment in the sector continues to fall to way below 2020 levels, and employers are adopting a range of measures from extended summer shutdowns, to cutting out overtime, to reduced shift rotations.

This means that many find themselves needing new workforce solutions to navigate this tumultuous time and prepare themselves for when production cranks back up again.

Dearth of skilled engineering talent is compounding the impact

The talent shortfall in the semiconductor industry, and tech industry more generally, is nothing new. For years, American employers have battled with a lack of qualified engineering talent. Recently the problem has intensified as the electronics sector has grown. In fact, 30% of CEOs surveyed in KPMG’s Technology CEO Outlook identified a lack of talent as a top risk for the industry.

If the semiconductor crisis teaches us anything, it should be that – in this age of rapid digital transformation – employers should continually educate, train, and upskill existing workforces in key digital technologies, now and in the future.

Flexible staffing is key

A flexible staffing model is the core of the flexible, agile supply chains that companies need to cope with the relentless changes of today’s business landscape. Biden’s jobs plan is looming, wages keep rising, and COVID-19 cases continue to rise across America. Companies need to be ready to flex their production model to scale up and down as the market dictates.

At Adecco, we are working with our manufacturing and automotive clients across multiple industries who are being impacted by the semiconductor shortage. We partner with them to make sure they’ll have the right people lined up – and at the right pay points – to deploy as soon as the shortage is resolved.

To meet every client challenge, we’ve gone a step further and partnered with Modis, a branch of The Adecco Group focused on technology and digital engineering consulting, talent services and skilling. This allows us to develop workforce and technology solutions on a global scale and for you to find the best candidates for your office, industrial and service sector positions. 

So, as the U.S. economy continues its twists and turns amid surging demand and an ever-tighter jobs market, will your supply chain be staffed with the people it needs to thrive?

To learn more about how we can help you develop a flexible and resilient workforce that’s ready for whatever the future holds, learn more about our partnership with Modis. We’re experts in staffing and workforce solutions with global and local expertise that has helped thousands of companies just like yours thrive, even in times of uncertainty.

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The infrastructure bill edges forward. How can employers prepare? Mon, 19 Jul 2021 18:42:43 +0000 On June 24, the US Senate struck a bipartisan agreement around a historic eight-year infrastructure bill, set to create millions of well-paid American jobs. But what will it all mean for America’sRead More...

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On June 24, the US Senate struck a bipartisan agreement around a historic eight-year infrastructure bill, set to create millions of well-paid American jobs. But what will it all mean for America’s hard-strapped employers, still reeling from the pandemic and stimulus checks?

At Adecco, we understand the seismic changes ahead. Below, we take a look at the bill’s likely impact on the jobs market and offer our expertise on how employers can plan ahead.

Why’s the infrastructure bill coming now?
The ongoing pandemic has stretched our country’s economy to the limit. Recent jobs reports suggest green shoots in a battered American jobs market, but unemployment remains way above pre-pandemic levels, while millions of Americans continue to live paycheck to paycheck. At the same time, the need for investment in America’s infrastructure has bipartisan agreement in a Washington nervous about the rise and rise of China and its infrastructure miracle.

What’s in the bill?
At almost $1 trillion, it’s being touted as the most dramatic investment in the country’s economic future in a generation. Although the wrangling continues in Washington, the deal looks set to create millions of well-paid jobs, particularly for blue-collar workers. That’s thanks to super-charged funding for roads and bridges, railways, public transportation, airports, the power grid, expanded broadband internet access, and much more.

And – if the Democrats get their way – it’ll be followed by a $3.5 trillion budget resolution, with further provisions for above-market salaried jobs in climate change mitigation and ‘human infrastructure’ like Medicare, family services, and free community college.

How many jobs are we talking about?
Although the number has been controversial, estimates put the figure at around 2.7 million. Most pre-pandemic job gains went to college graduates. Of these new jobs, 90% will go to workers without college degrees, precisely the types of people who are already walking out of their jobs, en masse.

What can employers do to prepare?
Without a silver bullet, employers will be facing deep competition for workers among millions of well-paid jobs. However, there’s a lot they can do and a lot that Adecco can do help. Here are three concrete steps we recommend taking right now:

  1. Optimized pay and benefits, now and in the future: Wages and benefits costs are going up, but there’s a bright side. The investment needed to bolster pay and incentives might be offset by American consumers having a lot more money in their pockets to spend. Employers should also be aware that outages due to worker shortages can cost considerably more than increased wages. Tools like Adecco’s salary calculator can help you set wages at a competitive – and sustainable – rate.
  2. Offer long-term, meaningful training: The government doesn’t have a monopoly on transformative, training opportunities. With Adecco, you can offer your employees flexible, industry-focused career programs at no cost. From courses in digital literacy, to welding, to becoming a frontline supervisor, the Adecco Aspire Academy, gives your workers the chance to continuously improve their skills and move higher up the pay ladder.
  3. Invest in all-round engagement and retention: With or without a government stimulus package coming, your best employees will always be in-demand and vital. The good news is that the retention tactics don’t have to cost you much. From white papers to case studies, we have a wealth of resources that can help you reduce turnover and establish a resilient workforce strategy.

This is just a snapshot of the multiple tools and strategies we have to prepare you for the next big swing in this difficult labor market. Getting it right will mean getting creative, and there’s no better way to do that than consulting an innovative, expert partner who knows the market inside-out.

Why not learn more about getting tailored advice on navigating these choppy waters?

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How a Lack of Workers is Causing Wage Inflation in a Time of High Unemployment Mon, 17 May 2021 13:55:02 +0000 If you look at the monthly data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you might think that businesses have eager candidates lining up at the door to fill any job vacancyRead More...

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If you look at the monthly data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you might think that businesses have eager candidates lining up at the door to fill any job vacancy that becomes available.

The reality for most companies is very different. Despite high unemployment rates, organizations all over the U.S. are struggling to find candidates to fill jobs. So, what’s the reason for this strange phenomenon? Keep reading to discover why employers are having a hard time recruiting new employees and why this is leading to wage inflation.

Furloughed Workers

An estimated 33 million people lost their jobs at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but many believe they’ll be rehired at some point. This could partly explain why employers are having such a hard time finding candidates. Furloughed workers may be waiting to get back to their jobs, and the CARE Act and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance are clear reasons for people to hold off looking for work until they stop receiving government aid. Around 24 million Americans were receiving Unemployment Assistance in 2020, giving them a strong incentive to delay their return to the job market.

Childcare, Education, And Fear Among Workers

The Federal Reserve reports that local labor markets are slow to reactivate due to workers’ concerns over health and childcare. Low-skill workers aren’t applying for jobs over the fear of possible infection, meaning that employers are significantly raising hourly pay to get people back to work.

Childcare and education also seem to be important factors affecting the job market. 15% of working professionals are considering leaving the workforce due to homeschooling, while many others are not looking for work because their children are still attending school remotely.

How Can Employers Attract Talent?

The market is being flooded with job openings as entire industries look to recover from the pandemic and get back to pre-COVID activity. If businesses want to attract talent, they’ll have to increase pay, offer a range of non-wage benefits, and lower job requirements to expand their candidate pool.

At Adecco, we’re experts at helping businesses just like yours find top talent, even during a pandemic. To learn more about how we can benefit your company, click here!

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The post How a Lack of Workers is Causing Wage Inflation in a Time of High Unemployment appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.

The Battle for Candidates: Why Employers Are Struggling to Hire Talent In 2021 Mon, 10 May 2021 13:52:48 +0000 It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the job market for good. Remote hiring, a shrinking labor force, and a lack of candidates are just a few of the bigRead More...

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It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the job market for good. Remote hiring, a shrinking labor force, and a lack of candidates are just a few of the big changes that are affecting companies all over the US.

You might be wondering how organizations are having a hard time finding candidates if unemployment is high. The causes of this are hard to understand, but by looking at Adecco partner businesses, we found some interesting answers.

Candidate Ghosting

When a candidate suddenly stops communicating at some point during the hiring process, this is called ghosting. Despite unemployment being high, candidate ghosting is a big problem for employers in 2021. This behavior among candidates has been on the rise for a few years, partly due to recruiters communicating poorly and having long hiring processes.

Since the job market started recovering at the end of 2020, ghosting appears to have become even more common. This could be due to candidates feeling reluctant to take jobs that require in-person work rather than remote roles. Government COVID-19 aid may also be impacting recruitment efforts, with a 50% increase in candidate ghosting and a 26% increase in first-day no-shows believed to be linked to the stimulus package.

With some households receiving up to $38,400 in aid, it’s easy to see why candidates aren’t in a rush to get back to work. As stimulus incentives expire, organizations may find it easier to recruit new people.

Why Wages Matter

To attract more applicants and keep candidates interested, companies will likely need to raise wages. The Adecco USA team worked with a well-known athletic apparel brand to improve their chances of finding and hiring the right people. By focusing on employee wages, they were able to get back on track with their recruitment needs.

Increasing hourly pay by $4 or $5.50 resulted in 261% more applicants, a 70% fill rate increase, and a 50% drop in early turnover.

As the pandemic continues and the future of the job market remains uncertain, employers should focus on raising wages and improving their hiring process. At Adecco, we’re experts at all of the above. To learn more about how we help businesses like yours thrive, click here!

The post The Battle for Candidates: Why Employers Are Struggling to Hire Talent In 2021 appeared first on Adecco Staffing, USA Blog.

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As the Labor Force Shrinks, Wages Increase Mon, 12 Apr 2021 16:04:43 +0000 The labor force in the United States is the powerful motor that drives economic growth and makes it possible for companies in different industries to hire a wide range of talent andRead More...

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The labor force in the United States is the powerful motor that drives economic growth and makes it possible for companies in different industries to hire a wide range of talent and continue innovating. The U.S. labor force participation rate has been steadily falling for about 20 years and will probably result in some big changes to the economy and the job landscape over the coming decade. Continue reading to learn why the labor force is shrinking, and what knock-on effect this will have on wages.

Why Is the Labor Force Shrinking in the U.S.?

The labor force is shrinking for a number of different reasons, one of them being the massive number of baby boomers who are retiring every year. In 2020 alone, 30 million baby boomers left the workforce for good, and industries could seriously struggle to replace so many employees at the same rate that they’re retiring.

COVID-19 has also caused a drastic reduction in the labor force participation rate. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that about 6 million people have left the workforce since February 2020, making the drop in participation much more accelerated than predicted before the pandemic.

Other factors contributing to the decreasing labor supply are potential workers being unmotivated to look for employment, candidates being unable to find jobs that match their skills, and parents unable to work due to lack of affordable childcare. All of this is quickly lowering the number of people who make up the active workforce, and the U.S. is currently nearing the same levels of workforce participation as the 1960s.

What Effect Will This Have on Wages?

When millions of new positions are added to the job market every year and the number of available workers continues to fall, this creates an increased demand for professionals across different sectors. This in turn drives wages up, as employers compete with each other to attract the best talent to their organization. This trend has become more evident than ever during the pandemic, as wages for healthcare professionals soared due to short supply. This isn’t unique to healthcare! Advertised wages have risen by 16% since February of last year, including for truck drivers and forklift drivers.

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Staffing Trends within the Life Sciences Industry Mon, 05 Apr 2021 13:35:11 +0000 Amidst the hectic environment of the pandemic, the life sciences industry has been challenged with many factors in hopes to eventually move forward into a post-pandemic world. Among these challenges, was theRead More...

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Amidst the hectic environment of the pandemic, the life sciences industry has been challenged with many factors in hopes to eventually move forward into a post-pandemic world. Among these challenges, was the quick turnaround of developing, testing, and distributing the COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, testing for viruses, in general, has been challenged to ensure accuracy and safety moving forward.

Within the life sciences vertical, Adecco provides innovative solutions for research, development, and testing laboratories across the U.S. which enable our customers to flexibly manage their workforces, and our associates to flexibly manage their careers. Our extensive experience in the life sciences space allows us to source, screen, and retain niche science talent compliant with specific licensing and labor laws.

As our teams continue to monitor the status of the pandemic and what’s ahead in 2021, let’s take a closer look into how the virus continues to impact the industry.

Looking Back at 2020

COVID-19 put enormous strain and stress on many people and businesses, as many healthcare systems across the globe scrambled to do their part in fighting the virus. According to this article by the Decisions Resources Group (DRG), Medtech companies are working harder to develop and deliver more reliable diagnostic tests or meet the soaring need for ventilators and personal protective equipment (PPE). Biopharmaceutical companies are racing against time to develop safe and effective treatments and vaccines to save lives.

According to University Lab Partners, MedTech companies specialize in the invention, creation, and production of medical devices that can be used in all kinds of different healthcare settings. They added that the medical device industry is growing at a rapid pace that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be slowing down anytime soon. The growth within this industry has mainly occurred because of the increasing amount of the aging population around the world who have chronic diseases. These diseases require new treatments that can be used to mitigate symptoms and support the affected individuals.

Our 30+ years of experience working with the global leaders in biopharmaceuticals and pharma vaccination, paired with our established, nationwide network of talent, allows us to place qualified professionals faster in the ultra-competitive medical and science market. We provide full-cycle support, from navigating compliance standards and market demands, education, background verification, and credentialing. Learn more about our innovative approach to staffing within biotechnology and pharmaceutical here.

In addition to working together to ensure that patients can access care, afford treatments, and learn about the healthcare system, scientists, doctors, and other professionals are working to prepare for the future and forecast the long-term impact of the virus within the world’s current chaotic state.

Looking Ahead into 2021

With the COVID-19 vaccine distribution on the rise, there are a few leaders within this space including Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer. According to this article by the Wall Street Journal, Pfizer is anticipating the vaccine to generate about $15 billion in sales this year, making the shot one of the company’s top-selling products and potentially a steady source of revenue.

Pfizer said it expects total revenue this year of between $59.4 – $61.4 billion. In the fourth quarter, the vaccine contributed $154 million of the company’s $11.7 billion in sales. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine—the first to be cleared for emergency use in the U.S.—on December 11, 2020. Revenue this quarter from Pfizer’s vaccines overall rose 17%, or $2 billion.

For more information about the similarities and differences between the Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines, check out this Boston news article, originally found on STAT.

We asked our resident healthcare guru, Jason Guggisburg, Vice President of Adecco Medical and Science, a few questions about the future of life sciences, and what to expect as we move forward in the current pandemic climate. Here’s what Jason added:

What are a few trends within Biotechnology, Laboratories, or Pharmaceutical that are worth keeping an eye on?

“Trends that we will continue to see in Biotechnology, Laboratories or Pharmaceutical will be driven by the current global pandemic. We will continue to see a large need for medical technologists, scientists, and laboratory technologists. With the need for vaccine distribution, I expect this trend to continue through 2021.”

In your opinion, what positive efforts have derived from the COVID-19 vaccine creation, quick implementation, and distribution?

“While the world and U.S. craft the fastest way to stop the COVID-19 viruses, we will continue to see countries develop mass vaccination sites and large-scale testing. To have two vaccines and a hopeful third on the way so quickly is a scientific miracle we should all be thankful for.”

What inspires you about the Life Sciences Industry?

“I am inspired every day that we are able to help place staff in roles that can change the course of life for individuals. A single scientist in a lab can create a cure for a pandemic, or any other life-threatening disease. This to me is human-centric and health-focused.”

At Adecco Medical & Science we support research, development, and testing laboratories across the U.S. We realize that not all laboratories are created equal and that these differences require unique specialization and expertise in finding the talent you need. We offer specialized recruitment hubs that focus on finding the right talent for temporary, temp-to-hire, executive search, program management office (PMO), onsite and large-scale projects. Learn more about our laboratory experience program here.

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The post Staffing Trends within the Life Sciences Industry appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.
