Marketing Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing Mon, 03 Oct 2022 12:00:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marketing Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing 32 32 Ten Ways to Reduce Your Candidate Acquisition Costs Mon, 03 Oct 2022 12:00:17 +0000 New candidates don’t appear out of thin air — finding new prospects requires investment. The amount you invest to attract a potential candidate for a new role is what is known asRead More...

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New candidates don’t appear out of thin air — finding new prospects requires investment. The amount you invest to attract a potential candidate for a new role is what is known as your candidate acquisition cost (CAC). This cost considers how much you spend on your recruitment team, tools and marketing and advertising spends to bring in new candidates.

The problem is when staffing firm owners have no clue of their acquisition costs and, as a result, invest too much into recruitment channels that don’t produce candidates and invest too little into the channels that work. On the flip side, firms that understand these numbers are more profitable and thus grow faster.

A rough calculation to find out that figure is to divide your recruitment outlays by the number of candidates attracted. However, you’re not out of the woods yet. Now that you know your acquisition cost, how do you know if it’s feasible? One way to have an idea is to look at the lifetime profit value, or how much money you’ll make over the average relationship you have with a placed candidate, and decide how much of that figure you’re willing to invest in acquiring another candidate.

Once you determine how much you’re willing to invest to acquire a new candidate and compare that to your current acquisition costs, then and only then can you optimally deploy your marketing dollars and drive down your CAC. Here are 10 ideas you can use within your staffing firm to reduce your costs to acquire candidates and subsequently improve your sales and marketing ROI.

Establish a formal referral program. Using the candidates you’ve already placed is one of the most cost-effective measures to help you find new candidates. For every referral you generate, you’ve cut your cost to acquire the original candidate in half!

Create a loyalty reward program. Loyalty programs help you differentiate, provide tangible value and fuel your word-of-mouth efforts. A program like this aimed at maintaining relationships increases lifetime value and, thus, your lifetime profit.

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Optimize your advertising campaigns. By improving ad performance and optimizing your ads, you can eliminate wasted ad spend and allocate those funds towards attracting more candidates without increasing the budget.

Invest in training your recruiters. Implementing a training program can significantly decrease your CAC since any incremental improvement in contact or placement rates will magnify your current results.

Narrow your target audience. Focus your marketing dollars on your ideal candidates as opposed to casting a wide net.

Automate. Utilize sales and marketing automation tools so that your recruiters spend more time on high-value activities instead of menial tasks.

Nurture old or stale leads. You’ve already paid to acquire these candidates that have gone stale. Instead of considering them useless, engage them and see if they’ll reconsider your offerings.

Reduce labor costs/outsource. Keep your investment costs low by outsourcing or bringing on contract workers that execute certain tasks without being on the payroll.

Improve candidate web experience. What’s the point of traffic if it’s not converting? Upgrade your web presence so that more of your visitors find and reach you.

Retarget. Don’t consider web visitors who left your website a lost cause — run retargeting ads that follow them around the internet until they convert.

Wrapping It Up

Reducing the cost of attracting new candidates isn’t always easy, but once you’ve figured out your CAC, try these ideas as a part of your long-term strategy to reduce costs, increase profitability and grow faster than your competitors!

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Are Your Website’s Call-to-Action Buttons Converting the Way They Should? Thu, 22 Sep 2022 16:00:47 +0000 A great staffing company website should be highly functional and visually appealing. It also needs to speak to the appropriate audience(s) in a way that inspires user action. And while the site’sRead More...

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A great staffing company website should be highly functional and visually appealing. It also needs to speak to the appropriate audience(s) in a way that inspires user action. And while the site’s copy tone and design layout have a lot to do with that, a big part of converting site visitors into active candidates or clients involves something much simpler: your site’s call-to-action (CTA) buttons.

CTA buttons are simple enough, right? They’re those little buttons on your site that direct users to take action. But the truth is CTA buttons are one of the most misunderstood — and misused — elements of a staffing website.

Here are three rules to follow for your site’s CTA buttons:

1. Be direct with your CTA buttons. Long and flowery language generally doesn’t work well on a staffing website, or any site for that matter — and CTA buttons are no exception. Rule No. 1 when it comes to buttons is to make their language simple and direct. The text of a button should not be a long sentence; it should be a few words that clearly state what action the user is going to take. On a candidate-facing page, good CTA buttons might say:

  • Search Jobs
  • Find Work!
  • Apply Now

On a client-facing page, high-converting CTA buttons might look like:

  • Find Talent
  • Need to Hire?
  • Contact a Staffing Consultant

Notice that the text of these buttons is very short and to the point. It tells the user the immediate action they’ll be taking or poses a stark question or problem — “Need to Hire?” — that the button can solve.

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2. Place CTA buttons properly. You don’t have to be an expert UX/UI designer to ensure your CTA buttons are placed in a logical way on each page. Think about how you read a website page when you land on it: Your eyes naturally start at the top, and flow downward as you read. This informs the placement of CTA buttons.

Place your first CTA button near the top of the page (but not at the very top). It should appear before the fold – in the part of the page that appears before scrolling down — typically right after a heading or brief paragraph of explanatory text. If the button is too far down the page, visitors aren’t likely to read far enough and may never reach the button at all.

After the first button, CTA buttons should be placed strategically throughout the page where it makes logical sense for the reader to take action. After an explanation of your services, you might include a “Hire Now” button. After you speak to job seekers, add a button inviting them to “Submit Your Resume.”

3. Make your CTA buttons stand out. If your CTA buttons don’t stand out enough, there’s a chance your site visitors will miss them entirely. You want visitors to make no mistake about what action to take, and how to do it.

CTA buttons should have a defined border. This makes it clear that it is in fact a button, and not a part of body copy or other text. The button itself should be a different color or shade than the surrounding background color to make it stand out from the rest of the page. That doesn’t mean it needs to be flashing neon yellow — it simply needs to be noticeably different from the colors that surround it.

Wondering if your CTA buttons – and your website as a whole – are performing the way they should to convert site visitors? Get a FREE Staffing Website Performance Review from Haley Marketing to drive MORE response from the people who are already visiting your website.

MORE: Turn your eomployees into your advocates

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The Importance of Brand in a Talent-Scarce Market Mon, 29 Aug 2022 08:00:06 +0000 Employer brand matters. In fact, 92% of people would consider changing jobs if offered a role within an organization with an excellent corporate reputation. However, while companies operating in the recruitment space areRead More...

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Employer brand matters. In fact, 92% of people would consider changing jobs if offered a role within an organization with an excellent corporate reputation.

However, while companies operating in the recruitment space are often experienced in communicating the employee value propositions (EVPs) of their clients to potential recruits, many neglect to nurture their own brand sufficiently — and in today’s talent-tight market, it has never been more important to reassess how your firm is perceived by external audiences.

A Talent-Tight Market

As the CIPD highlights, all organizations have an employer brand. It’s the way in which companies differentiate themselves in the labor market, enabling them to recruit, retain and engage the right people. Even in times when talent is plentiful, a strong employer brand helps firms to compete for the best talent and establish credibility.

However, when candidates are scarce, the importance of brand is elevated to business critical. And brand profiles need to shift to accurately demonstrate why you are a great company to work for or do business with.

Changing Priorities

As we emerge from the pandemic, many individuals have reassessed their priorities from a career perspective and are seeking a greater sense of purpose in their work. The new value systems that resonate with candidates in a post-Covid world must be taken into account when businesses are building and communicating their brand.

With the dawn of Covid, the boundaries between work and home blurred — and there’s no rewinding from this shift. Thanks to platforms such as Zoom and Teams, we spent months stepping into each other’s homes and meeting our colleagues’ dogs and children. We helped each other through an emotionally challenging period in history, and consequently, leaders have organically taken on a more pastoral role.

Great businesses are now supporting their people’s well-being and psychological safety like never before — and this should feed into your EVP. Take a step back and see how you can reimagine, reinvigorate and refresh your brand so that it’s truly reflective of the way your business operates today.

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Authentic Brand

A great employer brand showcases your people and celebrates your staff as individuals as well as a cohesive team working towards a shared goal. In a world where digitization and automation enable service industries to operate more efficiently than ever before, the value of the human touch has never been more important, and emotional connection is central to brand.

According to LinkedIn research, a strong employer brand is twice as likely to be linked to job consideration compared to a strong company brand. However, EVP and corporate reputation are intrinsically linked. Glassdoor has identified that the vast majority of jobseekers, 79%, use social media to help find potential employers, and 64% of consumers have stopped buying a brand after hearing news of that company’s poor employee treatment.

Therefore, selling a brand that is not authentic is not an option, particularly when you consider that almost 30% of job seekers have left a job within the first 90 days of starting, indicating that the perception versus reality of an employer brand are often misaligned. Your brand can’t be an illusion — it needs to be authentic across every touchpoint.

I have a passion for people and DEI, and I’d urge businesses which are considering reinvigorating their brand to look internally and embrace storytelling to share the journeys, successes and perspectives of their own workforces. If your company is hyper-diverse, has a great track record of promotion from within or a strong culture of corporate social responsibility, then shout about it.

Great branding will not only enhance your own reputation in the marketplace, but also the brand value of the businesses your partner with — and after all the upheaval of the past two years, now is the perfect time to reassess how others perceive your business.

Employer brand is not just a logo, a website or a bit of collateral — it’s an ethos that excites and inspires potential recruits. In a talent-scarce market, it’s crucial that you articulate just how amazing your business is. Fill your people with purpose and pride and encourage them to tell their stories. After all, that’s what people buy into: people.

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Seven Types of Recruitment Marketing Content Candidates Want to See Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:00:58 +0000 Finding and recruiting the best talent is every hiring manager’s biggest dream. It’s not always easy to find just the right candidates that could join your team, but there are ways youRead More...

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Finding and recruiting the best talent is every hiring manager’s biggest dream. It’s not always easy to find just the right candidates that could join your team, but there are ways you can attract such candidates through recruitment marketing. Here are seven types of recruitment marketing content candidates want to see from you.

An Infographic About Your Company’s Impact

Infographics are popular thanks to their potential to become viral, and they’re also great for explaining a lot of information in a simplified and concise way. That’s why you can create an infographic on your website that explains your company’s impact, including its achievements, success stories and records. You need to show that your company is an authority and a leader in your niche or industry.

An FAQ With Common Candidate Questions

Creating an FAQ on your website with common candidate questions is a great way to get the attention of candidates interested in working at your company. To save time, you could even use a professional writing service to ghostwrite part of the FAQ for you. Essential questions you should answer include:

  • Experience: What kind of experience do you expect from potential candidates?
  • Expertise: What kind of expertise do you want potential candidates to have?
  • Education: What kind of education do you require? What kind of training do you provide?

A Podcast About Your Customer Success Stories

Podcasting has become quite popular in the past few years, so why not start your own podcast and use it as a part of your recruitment marketing campaign? On your podcast, you can talk about your customer success stories. This way, it will be interesting both for your customers and for potential candidates who want to work for you. Your podcast can also be a way to build a positive brand image for your company. Use popular platforms like YouTube and Spotify to publish your podcast.

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A Virtual 360-Degree or Video Workplace Tour

Thanks to technology, it has become much easier to see what a place looks like without visiting in person. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a virtual 360-degree or video tour of your workplace on your website. If potential candidates see how inviting your office looks, they’ll be more eager to apply.

A Brochure Introducing Your Team

In addition to showing what your workplace looks like, you should also introduce your team via a brochure about yourself and your team members. This is another area in which a professional writing service could be helpful if you don’t have the time to do it yourself. If your team is very big, only introduce your leadership team. You can offer the brochure as a downloadable PDF on your website and print it out to give it to potential candidates at different industry events you attend.

A Slideshow About Diversity and Inclusion

Nowadays, being inclusive and promoting diversity is essential for companies both big and small. Featuring a slideshow on your website about diversity and inclusion in your company is a great way to communicate to potential candidates that your business cares about its employees. It doesn’t have to be a long slideshow, but you need to show that you welcome candidates of all backgrounds and create opportunities for everyone.

A Quiz to Decide How The Candidate Fits In

Last but not least, you can create a piece of lighthearted content on your “Home” or “Careers” page: a quiz to decide how a potential candidate fits into your team. Ask questions about their education, experience and expertise as well as their style of working (e.g. team player vs. independent worker). Then, give them a result about what kind of position they would excel in working in your company.

All in all, finding the best talent is definitely possible if you plan out your recruitment marketing campaign well. Take the tips in this article to decide what kind of content you will create to find the best candidates for your team.

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Recruitment Marketing to Meet the Needs of a Younger Audience Thu, 11 Aug 2022 12:00:06 +0000 Multiple studies have shown the benefits of hiring young people, no matter your industry. Your workforce development will increase as younger employees are used to learning. You’ll experience more significant tech advancement.Read More...

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Women in meetingMultiple studies have shown the benefits of hiring young people, no matter your industry. Your workforce development will increase as younger employees are used to learning. You’ll experience more significant tech advancement. Most importantly, today’s generation tends to be more flexible and adaptable to almost any situation.

Even if you know the benefits of hiring a younger audience, what can you do to recruit them? How can you catch the eyes of younger employees looking for work?

Let’s cover a few marketing techniques you can use to meet the needs of a younger audience so you can hire the best employees for your business while adopting a growth mindset for the future.

Promote Your Company Culture

Potential employees want to know what your brand stands for before they decide to join you. It’s important to have a platform and promote a company culture people are proud of. Surveys have shown that the most desirable values employees are looking for include:

  • Good working conditions
  • Fair pay
  • Loyalty
  • Job security
  • Growth opportunities

It’s also important to promote a company culture that shows you care about the well-being of your employees. How are you promoting a healthy work-life balance? What are you doing for your workers’ mental health? Which organizations and causes are you involved in?

The more transparent you are with your culture, the easier it will be for younger audiences to see you and feel confident in working with you.

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Utilize Technology

Today’s younger generations were born into a world of technology, and it’s only become more advanced as they’ve gotten older. While your business can benefit from the skills younger audiences have when it comes to tech experience, you can also use the digital realm to help with recruitment marketing.

For starters, utilize social media. It’s a great way to humanize your business, engage with your audience and get people interested in working for you while learning about your business in a unique and interesting way.

You can also use technology to your advantage by obtaining certifications, networking with other professionals and offering digital mentoring programs. Utilizing tech in this way can be especially helpful if you’re a small business or you’re run by a minority group and you’re trying to recruit a specific audience.

If you’re not sure what’s working and what’s not, track which techniques are successful using business intelligence. If you’ve run specific marketing campaigns to recruit a younger audience, collect data on your efforts. If your campaign was on social media or through job posting sites, it’s easy to look at your analytics and determine which techniques were the most effective. That will help you tweak your efforts as you move forward.

Keep these marketing techniques in mind as you recruit a younger audience. Not only will your brand benefit from the skills this generation has to offer, you’ll end up learning more about what your business represents and whether you want to make adjustments to your culture to appeal to a wider audience.

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Building a Modern Approach to Candidate Sourcing and Retention Tue, 09 Aug 2022 08:00:36 +0000 The current employment market is tipped in favor of candidates over recruiters, with a whopping 1.29 million vacancies available in the UK in July 2022. More so than ever, recruiters cannot affordRead More...

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The current employment market is tipped in favor of candidates over recruiters, with a whopping 1.29 million vacancies available in the UK in July 2022. More so than ever, recruiters cannot afford to be complacent. Job seekers are in the driving seat, and if the recruitment process isn’t seamless, they are likely to go elsewhere.

In today’s challenging hiring landscape, there are crucial steps to be followed by recruiters to actively improve the candidate experience. By speeding up time to hire and focusing on nurturing personal connections and authenticity, consultants will deliver on today’s candidates’ expectations and ensure a strong pipeline of talent for the roles they seek to fill.

Attract strong candidates with memorable branding. The need to build a strong brand to draw candidates to register with an agency has never been more urgent, especially with escalating job board costs. With such a large number of positions to be filled in any given sector or geographical area, agencies must truly innovate and stand out from the competition in order to be noticed.

Creating a strong brand profile is always the first step in candidate attraction. Building a strong reputation as a trustworthy agency by creating high-quality, memorable and consistent branding is an agency’s best chance at engaging with prospective candidates and convincing them to apply for open jobs. Working with a recruitment website provider with brand-focused design is key, but it’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetics. Most important is the user experience; the website needs to perform with navigation that is specifically built to maximize candidate engagement and job applications. A specialist recruitment website provider can also support with digital inclusivity, incorporating technical best practice.

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Offer an engaging candidate experience. Once candidates are registered, it’s all about moving them smoothly and quickly through the candidate journey to get the results that they deserve.

The candidate experience should always be led first and foremost by genuine human interaction. Jobseekers today are savvy and, with so many open roles, can choose who they engage with. Consultants need to make time for personal interaction, not only to build better relationships but to increase the likelihood of job acceptance through insights into candidate expectations. Recruiters who stay connected and deliver constructive and timely feedback will be able to place candidates more quickly and aid worker retention.

Automate administrative inefficiencies. Recruitment technologies have advanced significantly, so it’s crucial that recruiters leverage best-in-class software to increase efficiency and improve time to hire. Poor data synchronicity is a key issue that stands in the way of many staffing firms being as efficient as they could be.

An intuitive recruitment CRM should act as an agency’s central hub with all relevant information accessed from one place and integrated with their website and back office pay and bill solutions. For consultants, a clunky CRM that slows the recruitment process puts placements at risk. Automation of laborious administrative tasks frees consultants to spend more time with their candidates and clients. For example, digitizing candidate screening benefits both consultants and candidates alike by making the onboarding process more efficient and removing human error. Automated screening software enables consultants to verify candidates’ credentials and carry out background checks, including right to work, quickly and securely.

Strike the right balance between human connection and efficiency. The modern candidate wants a blend of authentic human interaction and a speedy hiring process. Recruitment agencies can achieve this by leveraging digital technologies to support skilled consultants acting with authenticity. By doing so, agencies can reduce the time to hire and ensure that they are attracting and placing quality candidates for their clients every single time.

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Make Sure Your Staffing Website’s Blog Is Firing on All Cylinders Tue, 12 Jul 2022 12:00:31 +0000 Does your website’s blog serve as a trusted resource for visitors? A place to get the latest updates on your business as well as industry insights and advice from top experts? OrRead More...

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Does your website’s blog serve as a trusted resource for visitors? A place to get the latest updates on your business as well as industry insights and advice from top experts? Or is it more of an afterthought, taking a backseat to other important areas of the site like your career portal?

The truth is that your blog can — and should — be one of the most-visited pages on your entire website. Do it right, and you’ll build loyal connections that keep candidates and customers coming back for more, ultimately taking action on your site. Here’s how to get the most out of your blog.

Include candidate- and client-focused posts. Remember who is visiting your site’s blog: job seekers and clients. Include a mix of posts that speaks to both job seekers and employers so that everyone visiting your blog can find something useful. Depending on the post topic, you might even be able to talk to clients and candidates within the same post — just be careful to make it crystal clear who the audience is so there’s no confusion.

Make the content relevant. Your posts should be meeting readers where they are today, so make the content relevant to the current job and hiring markets. A candidate-facing blog post, for example, could provide tips and tricks for getting back into the workforce as hiring continues to rebound after the pandemic. An employer-facing post could discuss how to better attract candidates who are looking for added flexibility and work-life balance out of their jobs.

When planning your topics, think like your readers: What information are they searching for? What questions are they asking?

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Optimize with SEO. Search engine optimization is as important as ever. And your blog posts will reach more and more readers when they’re properly optimized. Including relevant keywords and keyword phrases in your blog posts’ body copy and titles means search engines like Google and Bing give your posts higher priority, driving more traffic to your site and giving your posts authority (meaning it is high-quality content that is frequently linked to from outside sources).

Craft compelling titles. A post’s title is the first thing a visitor to your blog reads. Make it compelling — give the visitor a reason to click by offering real value. Follow one of the tried-and-true title formulas, like:

  • List titles: “7 Ways to Hire Smarter This Year”
  • “How to” titles: “How to Impress a Hiring Manager in Your Next Interview”
  • Versus titles: “MSP vs. VMS: What’s the Difference?”

End posts with powerful CTAs. If a reader reaches the end of your post and isn’t pushed toward a certain action, what good was the post? Blog posts should always wrap up with a clear, compelling call to action (CTA) to convert the reader. For candidate-facing posts, a simple “Apply Now” or “Find a Job” usually works well. Client-facing posts might utilize CTAs like “Hire Talent” or “Contact a Recruiter.”

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“Why” Should Always Come Before “What” Wed, 01 Jun 2022 20:49:24 +0000 Recruiting is the most pressing issue the staffing industry faces right now and will continue to face for the foreseeable future. I see staffing firms trying this and that to find one moreRead More...

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Recruiting is the most pressing issue the staffing industry faces right now and will continue to face for the foreseeable future.

I see staffing firms trying this and that to find one more candidate that they can offer to a client. While we certainly need to take action, I always advise my clients to start at the beginning — with strategy. As Simon Sinek so aptly put it, you must always “Start with Why.” What always follows why.

I am a former staffing entrepreneur and executive and grew a company from a start-up in 1987 to nearly $400 million in 2019. I experienced several economic downturns during that time, which gives me some credibility in addressing this issue. I have written extensively about our current labor challenges, and I keep returning to two general themes:

  1. Staffing firms must realize that their B2B marketing model that helps them win new clients is utterly ineffective in reaching candidates. Candidates have suddenly become “consumers,” given all the choices they now have, which means that a B2C marketing model is the appropriate way to reach and engage them.
  2. Rather than trying to fill their sales funnels with “employer of choice” clients, staffing firms instead need to become the employer of choice.

Two Very Different Marketing Approaches

B2B is business marketing directed to other businesses. B2B buyers are information-driven and make their decisions based on the data they obtain. These tend to be rational decisions and rely less on emotional factors. B2C, on the other hand, is business communications to consumers. And as I already mentioned, consumers have choices. They tend to make their decisions quickly and based on how they feel about the company, the brand and the people behind the brand. Staffing firms have been talking to candidates the same way they do to prospective clients: “I have a job. You need a job. Let’s go.” This approach needs to shift because even though the candidate decision can come quickly, the path to that decision typically takes time. This requires having a conversation with the consumer rather than asking them to decide immediately.

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Employer of Choice

During my time building a large staffing firm, we always attempted to find the employers in each market that everyone wanted to work for. If we could land them as a client, we would have a recruiting advantage over our competitors. And it worked. But that was then, and this is now. The challenge for our industry has always been about working towards continuous improvement of its reputation — or, stated another way, about openly embracing the fact that staffing firms are employers. Yes, staffing associates may be working at a client location, but the staffing firm is the employer. Becoming the employer of choice means stepping up and acknowledging that fact. Then it involves doing the things that will elevate perception such that consumers willingly choose to align themselves with the staffing firm.

Solving this recruiting deficit will come partly from improvement and balance in the economy, which will take time. The rest must come from the leaders in our industry. The pandemic has permanently altered the world of staffing and sourcing, recruiting and placing staffing associates. There is great opportunity hidden in all of this if we see it and become determined to get out in front of this powerful wave.

Get your team together. Decide your strategy. Adopt a B2C communications approach with the candidate market and determine what you need to do to move from being just another staffing firm to a place where this generation and the next generation choose to join. If you can do that, the tactics will become crystal clear.

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How Your Employer Brand Supports Your Outbound Recruiting Efforts Mon, 23 May 2022 12:00:51 +0000 Your employer brand is a staple of your company’s reputation. A compelling employer brand allows companies to showcase their reputation to attract new potential employees, customers and potential investors. While we haveRead More...

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Your employer brand is a staple of your company’s reputation. A compelling employer brand allows companies to showcase their reputation to attract new potential employees, customers and potential investors. While we have been focusing on the topic of outbound recruiting, it does not mean that you should completely shy away from inbound recruiting marketing such as employer branding. Both outbound recruiting and employer branding work together to craft the right approach when engaging candidates.

Common Myth: Employer Branding Is Only for Inbound Recruiting

While employer branding represents one of the core elements of recruiting, it isn’t just for inbound recruiting. Inbound recruiting is a way to attract candidates based on recruitment marketing, whereas outbound recruiting is a strategy to target and contact candidates.

However, employer branding also supports your overall outbound recruiting efforts and gives your organization a competitive advantage. Here’s why:

Your mission speaks for itself. Your mission and values tell potential candidates what you do and envision as a company. You might want to include past successes and achievements and share them with potential candidates. Any additional information that may benefit the candidate will set you apart from other companies.

For example, suppose you’re an organization that thrives on providing grammatical services that instantly help writers spot grammar mistakes. In that case, you may want to consider reaching out to candidates who have a background in creative writing to spark their interest in working with your organization. Bonus points for you if you find their past writing samples to help step up your outreach game.

PREMIUM CONTENT: May 2022 US Jobs Report

You have internal supporters. Your internal employees can also become a great source of inspiration in attracting new candidates from your outbound recruiting strategy. In your initial message, share some insider information about your organization with your target candidates. This may include (but isn’t limited to) positive reviews from internal employees and recent promotions to show professional growth opportunities within your organization.

For example, you can say something like this: Employee A in the marketing team says the best part of being on this team is weekly happy hours with other team members! 

As simple as it sounds, sometimes fun events like these may attract potential employees!

You spend less time talking about your company (people already know you). When you hone into the perks and benefits of your organization, people will automatically know about you! People will see that you work for an established organization when you update your company site, review platforms (Glassdoor, Indeed, etc.), and increase your social media presence.

For example, showcase some of your current employees’ successes that have contributed to the organization on your social media accounts! This tells potential candidates about the company culture while supporting your current team members.

You improve the candidate experience and increase engagement. When you put effort into creating a more compelling employer brand, candidate experience and engagement will improve. Using the right employer branding and outbound recruiting strategy, you can create a seamless candidate experience.

Set yourself apart from other competitors by implementing creative messages and outreach strategies with your current employer brand to attract potential candidates into your organization.

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Turn Emails into Revenue Wed, 11 May 2022 12:00:41 +0000 All of us are overwhelmed with email on a daily basis — on average, we receive nearly 130 emails per day. Many of those emails never see the light of day. GivenRead More...

The post Turn Emails into Revenue appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.

All of us are overwhelmed with email on a daily basis — on average, we receive nearly 130 emails per day. Many of those emails never see the light of day. Given all the competition for your subscribers’ attention, how do you get them to see and react to your emails?

It’s all about the subject line. The content of your email is the most important part of the email, right? Wrong! The subject line is the difference between opening the email or sending it straight to the trash folder. The key to attention-getting subject lines is to use curiosity to grab the reader’s attention. Which email would someone be more likely to open: one with the subject line “New Job Opening,” or one with the subject line “Life-Changing Career Opportunity?” More people will opt for the second one.

Tell a story. People love a good story. Rather than just stating the facts, make the email’s content interesting. And while you’re at it, personalize it. Bring your own perspective to the story. The more open, honest and transparent you are, the more interesting your message will become to the reader.

Be consistent. Being consistent is the key to success. Consistency in email marketing means not only the frequency of your content but also the “voice” that your communications take. A random schedule of sending emails impacts the credibility of the message. Also, the way the message is conveyed must also be consistent to reinforce how you and your brand will be perceived.

Be friendly. Make sure the tone of your email is friendly and upbeat. It is easy for email messages to be misinterpreted and be perceived as negative or aggressive.

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Use simple language. Don’t write as if you’re drafting a textbook. The rule of thumb is to speak to your audience the way you would talk to a friend. A conversational tone is much more appealing and compelling.

Use social proof. What is social proof? Wikipedia defines it as a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.” Using links, referencing experts or celebrities, or citing what others are doing are ways to integrate social proof into your email content.

Be unique. Develop your own voice and stick with it. Though your topics will vary across campaigns, all your content should feel as if it comes from the same source. This will help you stand out and establish a following, which leads to credibility.

Engage the audience. So, your emails are interesting, and you get a respectable number of opens. All of that is positive and certainly supports overall brand awareness. But what moves an email to the next level? If you do not elicit a response or engage the audience, then you’ve missed the ultimate mark. In essence, you need a call to action, and it should be more than a simple “call today.”  Offer something, ask a question, create a survey-style inquiry and challenge the reader to express an opinion.  Do something to move from interest to engagement. This is where you take a leap to the next level and add to your revenue pipeline.

The goal of effective email marketing is to expose your brand to your target audience and ultimately grow your business. Creating effective emails that speak directly to your market is a great way to accomplish those goals.

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The post Turn Emails into Revenue appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.
