Hiring & Recruiting Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/tag/hiring-recruiting/ Fri, 11 Feb 2022 00:49:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/cropped-paragon-logo-32x32.png Hiring & Recruiting Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/tag/hiring-recruiting/ 32 32 Innovation at its Finest: Upskilling Workers with Virtual Reality https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/innovation-at-its-finest-upskilling-workers-with-virtual-reality/ Fri, 11 Feb 2022 00:49:23 +0000 http://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=15420 Based on our own internal data, both direct hire and temporary job growth for industrial truck operators in distribution centers has nearly doubled in some key markets, and hourly pay rates haveRead More...

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Based on our own internal data, both direct hire and temporary job growth for industrial truck operators in distribution centers has nearly doubled in some key markets, and hourly pay rates have risen as much as 50%. Furthermore, Indeed recently saw a 6% spike in forklift operator job postings spread out across the country. With package delivery booming, the hiring companies expect certified, safety-minded candidates to fill these roles.

New Collaboration

That’s why the Adecco Group Foundation US partnered with our client—a luxury home goods brand—to invest in innovative forklift training. The client had a high demand for forklift drivers and high expectations for their performance. And the candidates had a strong desire for advanced training in order to feel confident as they started their new careers. It made perfect sense to combine our own training acumen with the virtual reality experience.

New Training

Speaking of virtual reality, what a way to train people! Not only is it engaging and enjoyable, it provides a very real—yet not quite real—environment. The client’s Adecco associates sat in a real forklift and used the controls to conduct all sorts of maneuvers in a virtual warehouse. They familiarized themselves with the machine’s nuances and safety measures. And a Raymond employee was on hand the entire time to answer questions and ensure the technology ran smoothly.

Learn more about the training and listen to the impact it made by watching our mini documentary.

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New Impact

The associates gained confidence, ramped up quickly, appreciated the investment in their development, increased their earning potential, and added a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certification to their resumes. The client increased early retention, maintained productivity, improved inventory management efficiencies, and enhanced workplace safety. A true win-win.

“Totally, it helped me out… it got me ready for the job. The main key is safety. I feel like I’m ready and I can operate a forklift.”

-Armando, Adecco Associate

“I definitely see the excitement in my associates. Being able to tell them that they’ve been hand selected from their leadership (for this training)… it was pretty awesome to see their reactions.”

-Cynthia, Onsite Supervisor at Adecco

It’s success stories like these that continue to push the Foundation forward. Whether it’s certifying forklift drivers, assisting athletes with career transitions, or helping veterans enter the civilian workforce, the march continues on.

Get in touch with your local Adecco team to discuss custom training, onboarding, and HR solutions for your unique workforce needs.

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The Great Retirement: Are Baby Boomers causing today’s hiring shortage? https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/the-great-retirement-are-baby-boomers-causing-todays-hiring-shortage/ Tue, 08 Feb 2022 23:36:29 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16358 A record-high 11 million jobs are waiting to be filled across the U.S. This boom in available openings? You can thank the Baby Boomers. According to Pew Research Center, the rate ofRead More...

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A record-high 11 million jobs are waiting to be filled across the U.S. This boom in available openings? You can thank the Baby Boomers.

According to Pew Research Center, the rate of retirement in Baby Boomers has accelerated since the start of COVID-19 with almost 29 million boomers retiring in 2020 – An increase of more than 3 million from 2019.

With 75 million Baby Boomers retiring by 2030, The Great Retirement is looking to supersede The Great Resignation as the biggest hiring trend for 2022. Here’s what you need to know:

How will Baby Boomers retiring affect the workforce?

One in four workers in the U.S. is a Baby Boomer, amounting to 41 million total employees. This trend of mass retirement will lead to an even wider workforce gap as companies race to fill positions left by retirees. As these workers also normally hold higher-level management positions due to their extensive working experience, the competition to find replacements will be tough with many businesses turning to recruiters to look for top talent.   

Why are Baby Boomers retiring now?

While Baby Boomers fall in the generation most at-risk for COVID-19, the main driving factor for retirement isn’t health-related. They’re looking for a better quality of life.

Famous for their strong work ethic and dedication (40% have stayed with their employer for more than 20 years), Baby Boomers commit to their jobs more than any other generation. After 40+ years in the workforce and a global pandemic, they’re re-evaluating their work-life balance. With quarantine rules keeping them at home but isolated, many are choosing to trade in their 9-to-5 for more time with friends, family, and to travel.

Those most likely to retire early? Women over the age of 65 are the group with the most retirees while the Hispanic Boomer population saw the biggest increase in retirement rates. Boomers residing in the Northeastern U.S. also saw a large increase in those retiring.

What can be done to prevent a workforce gap?

While Boomers may want to spend their golden years away from the office there is a silver lining to The Great Retirement: There’s a whole new generation (and two others) ready to work. Investing in these workers and supporting their development will be crucial to closing your workforce gap. Here’s how to attract and retain young employees:

1. Offer flexibility in the workplace

Gen X workers and Millennials are often working parents or caregivers to their parents or grandparents. With quarantine rules and distance learning changing often and suddenly, you’ll need to be supportive of employees who are pulling double duty working and taking care of their family during the day. Offering more flexibility to parents by letting them work from home and by measuring their performance on results (not hours worked) will help retain valuable employees who won’t have to choose between family and their job.

2. Close skills gaps with reskilling and upskilling

Younger workers, especially Gen Z, won’t have the decades of experience that retiring Baby Boomers have. Instead of brushing-off young talent for a lack of skills, take the time to train them on the skills they need. If your company doesn’t have a formal training program ask them to enroll in online courses like our Aspire Academy. There are dozens of training courses available at no cost.

3. Mentor, don’t manage

For many young people, a position in your company may be their first professional job out of college. They don’t just need a salary but need guidance on how to progress in their careers. In a recent survey, younger workers reported wanting feedback from their managers more frequently than their older colleagues signifying they need more support to know they are doing their jobs correctly. They also rank mentorship among the three most important aspects of choosing where to work. Setting up a mentorship program will not only attract top young talent but keep them engaged and loyal to your company.

Is your company feeling the effects of The Great Retirement? At Adecco, we pride ourselves on finding and connecting top talent with the right opportunities. Learn more about our staffing solutions and keep reading our blog to discover the other top hiring trends for 2022.

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How to update your LinkedIn profile for 2022 https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/how-to-update-your-linkedin-profile-for-2022/ Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:35:21 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16341 Ready to connect? As you start on the path to creating one of the best LinkedIn profiles out there, be sure to think big: How can you jump-start a conversation? How areRead More...

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Ready to connect? As you start on the path to creating one of the best LinkedIn profiles out there, be sure to think big: How can you jump-start a conversation? How are you promoting your brand – your skills, expertise, and even your personality? But how to update your LinkedIn profile to be an authentic and engaging version of yourself isn’t just a one-step process.

Read on for our LinkedIn profile best practices.

1. Remember: You are more than your resume

Of course, your summary and job experience are absolutely essential, but this is also the time to let your personality shine. The best LinkedIn profiles also have a personal tagline, engaging photo, and a summary that doubles as your digital elevator pitch.

2. Your skills = Your keywords

When you look at “People also viewed” or “Who viewed your profile,” what comes up? Is it related to your career and interests? If it doesn’t, try changing up the wording in your skills section. It allows LinkedIn to better understand who you are and lets others in your industry find you easier.

3. Post often. Post smart.

Fewer than a third of users post at least once a month. Regularly posting means you’re regularly popping up on your Connections’ feeds. Stay away from bragging about yourself or your company – and instead share new insights you’ve learned from an article or virtual webinar. Or, post and ask your network for advice and insights.

4. Be social on your social

What you like, share, or comment on is visible to your network, so be purposeful in your interactions. Make sure to congratulate others on their latest successes or anniversaries, let someone know when you’re visiting their area – and in general, just try to share once or twice every time you log in.

5. Find your groups

When you join LinkedIn groups that reflect your interests, make sure to do some research on the group itself. What are the tone and the conversation like? Start by commenting on others’ posts and asking questions. (Avoid self-promotion!) As you become one of the “regulars,” you can slowly reach out to individuals and build 1:1 connections.

6. Ask for recommendations

You know which colleagues, clients, or managers can truly articulate your skills and work ethic. When you reach out for a LinkedIn recommendation, ask them to focus on the traits that made you stand out. Be sure to focus on the few who can give you a quality (and specific) recommendation

7. Showcase yourself

LinkedIn can be about more than sharing your accomplishments and awards (though it is great for that). Share your interests and association memberships with your network. Also, connect your website to your profile: It’s a simple way to enhance your profile (and your Google search results).

8. Make connections

Don’t just start sending requests out into the void. First of all, LinkedIn can mark your messages as spam and restrict your ability to send notes. Second, you want to find people who match up with your interests and send them a relevant, personal message.

Modeling your account after the best LinkedIn profiles takes some work. Still, it pays off the more time you dedicate to it – whether you’re actively looking for new career opportunities or just want to keep your options open. If you need more job search help or are ready to make a change, start with Adecco. We’re looking to connect candidates across the country with the right job for their success.

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Latest news on minimum wage increases: What to expect in 2022 https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/latest-news-on-minimum-wage-increases-what-to-expect-in-2022/ Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:04:50 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16313 Minimum wages are set to increase in a record number of US states and municipalities in 2022. In several states, the increases are part of scheduled raises on the road to $15Read More...

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Minimum wages are set to increase in a record number of US states and municipalities in 2022. In several states, the increases are part of scheduled raises on the road to $15 per hour. Learn more about what to expect for the upcoming year and how it might impact our country’s current hiring shortage.

When exactly do the new minimum wage rises take effect?

The first minimum wage increase went live in New York state on December 31, but most took effect on the first of the new year. Be prepared for changes throughout 2022 though: Hourly minimum pay for all federal contract workers – including disabled workers – will hit $15 on January 30, thanks to an executive order from President Biden last April. Then starting in July, minimum wage raises will take effect in Connecticut (up $1 to $14) and Nevada and Oregon (up 75 cents to $9.50 and $13.50, respectively). And Floridian workers will see a $1 increase to $11 on September 30.

Where are the most significant raises?

Virginia saw the largest 2022 increase, with minimum wages up $1.50 to $11 per hour. California, a leader on workers’ rights, also tops the wages table, with a state-wide minimum of $15 per hour. (For employers with 25 employees or fewer, it’s $14 per hour.) Parts of New York state, including NYC, also implemented a $15 minimum wage (the state-wide minimum is $13.20; fast-food workers made at least $15 per hour since July last year, state-wide).

For the record, several cities have gone past the $15 mark already. Seattle has the highest city minimum wage ($17.27) for most employers ($17.53 in SeaTac, home to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport). It’s $15.87 in Denver, $15.55 in Flagstaff, Arizona, and $16.40 in Apple’s hometown of Cupertino, California. Washington DC’s minimum hourly rates will hit $16.10 this July.

What about tipped workers and other exemptions?

Exceptions to the federal minimum wage apply for workers with disabilities, workers under age 20, tipped workers, and student-learners. However, several states and municipalities are upping minimum wages for groups covered by federal exemptions.

At the same time, the federal government is eliminating the sub-minimum wage for tipped employees of federal contractors by 2024. In addition, as of January 30, the federal government is extending the $15 minimum wage to federal contract workers with disabilities. (Tens of thousands of disabled workers in the US earn below the minimum wage, with some paid as little as $3.34 per hour.)

Employers will have to navigate complexity to stay compliant with different hourly minimums for different workers, employer types, and locations.

We stay ahead.

Over a million workers in America still earn the federal minimum wage or less, yet inflation is at its highest level in nearly 40 years. And although many employers hiked pay to combat labor shortages (Target and Amazon have a $15-per-hour minimum rate; Walmart has $12), inflation-adjusted average hourly earnings still fell by 1.9% in November 2021.

In today’s market, it’s more important than ever to be smart about offering competitive wages. In our work with employers across the country, we consistently find that those with the most success in attracting and retaining talent are those who own the market in wage rates. Working with Adecco means working with experts experienced in navigating local markets. You also get access to invaluable resources like our cost of turnover calculator and optimized pay rate calculator.

Learn how Adecco helped a leading fashion brand optimize pay for 100% fill rates, a 44% rise in applications, and a 52% boost in the interview-to-hire ratio. And find out how we can help you improve retentionreduce absenteeism, enhance productivity, and boost workers’ health, morale, and effort.

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Big hiring? Mass resigning? Here are the top hiring trends for 2022 https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/big-hiring-mass-resigning-here-are-the-top-hiring-trends-for-2022/ Sat, 01 Jan 2022 05:54:00 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16280 The Great Resignation. COVID-19. A work-from-home revolution. The hiring process has undergone serious changes over the past year. And these changes are going to carry over into the new year. With aRead More...

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The Great Resignation. COVID-19. A work-from-home revolution. The hiring process has undergone serious changes over the past year. And these changes are going to carry over into the new year.

With a record number of job openings, you’ll need to be on top of this year’s talent acquisition trends to attract (and keep) the best workers. Here’s what to look out for in 2022:

Job hunts are starting…right now

New year, new job? Expect an influx of applications at the start of the year. According to a Harris Poll study, 59% of employed Americans who plan on quitting their job will be looking for work between now and February. And with the “Great Resignation” reporting record quit rates for Americans in 2021, get ready for a record number of candidates as well. It’s expected that there will be 7 million more employed Americans in 2022 than in 2021. 

With the total number of potential applicants growing, so is the number of diverse candidates. Take this opportunity to improve inclusion at your company. Candidates from different backgrounds, such as those who are neurodiverse and veterans entering the workforce, possess different skillsets than traditional job seekers and can give your company a competitive advantage.

The Great Resignation will continue

One of the biggest hiring trends from 2021, the “Big Quit” as some experts call it will continue into 2022. In fact, it’s only picking up speed. A record 34.5 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021, with most resignations happening at the end of the year. It’s more important to invest in recruitment now more than ever: experts predict that almost a quarter of the American workforce plans to resign in the next 12 months.

Younger employees are twice as likely to resign from their jobs in 2022. From creating developmental plans to supporting mental health, learn how you can support younger workers during the pandemic to keep your team intact.

COVID-19 is sticking around

With new variants springing up every year, the pandemic is shaping many current hiring trends. Make employee safety your top priority and check out our webinar on how to navigate vaccine mandates while we wait for the final say from the government on how businesses need to proceed. 

While COVID is disrupting the workplace, keep in mind that it’s also impacting schooling. With more school districts shutting down over staff shortages and increasing infections, offer your workers more flexibility. Learning how to retain parents can help you keep your best employees as two out of every five parents have changed jobs due to the pandemic.

Be ready to hire

With tight competition for the best talent, you want to be ahead of the hiring trends for 2022, not behind. That means you’ll need to be ready to act when you find the best talent. Proactive recruiting is one of the biggest recruitment trends, meaning you’ll have to rely on social platforms, events, and hiring a recruiter to find the most qualified candidates.  

While finding applicants is important, getting them interested in your open positions is crucial. Since the start of the pandemic, workers are prioritizing flexibility more and more. Our research shows that 41% of workers are currently moving, or are considering moving, to a job with more flexible working options like working remotely, choosing their own hours, and forgoing the typical 40-hour workweek. Make sure to highlight the flexible options you provide (or start providing them) to not lose quality applicants.

What’s Adecco doing?

We’re here to help you stay ahead of the hiring trends for 2022. As the holidays are ending, we’re catching qualified workers as they leave their peak season job, expanding our talent database in time for you to fill your open positions. Whether you’re looking for temporary workers or direct hires we’ll help you find the right fit.

How? As the job market evolves, so do we. From grassroots blitzes to partnering with different job boards, we’re working to expand our reach bringing you the best candidates. By leveraging different technologies like our Pay on Demand service, we’re attracting more applicants who are ready to work for you.

It’s also our job to stay up to date on the latest market data and learn what workers are looking for in employment. Check out our monthly jobs report for a breakdown of the hiring practices for your industry/location and our pay rate calculator to make sure you’re offering a competitive salary to be ahead of other businesses.

Ready to be ahead of the current hiring trends? Contact us today to help you find the best talent and make 2022 your best year yet. 

Our services don’t end at finding the right people. At Adecco, we encourage the training of candidates after placement through our Aspire Academy to ensure a perfect fit and encourage employee retention. Check it out and head to our blog for more resources on how to support your workers in 2022 and beyond.

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COVID’s master multi-taskers: How to keep parents for the long-haul https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/covids-master-multi-taskers-how-to-keep-parents-for-the-long-haul/ Thu, 18 Nov 2021 14:14:00 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16178 Why aren’t you working right now? 5 million Americans say there’s one big reason: They’re caring for children who aren’t in school or daycare. Frequent COVID-19 outbreaks are creating unexpected school closuresRead More...

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Why aren’t you working right now?

5 million Americans say there’s one big reason: They’re caring for children who aren’t in school or daycare.

Frequent COVID-19 outbreaks are creating unexpected school closures and quarantines – and 80% of daycare centers report that they’re struggling to find enough child-care workers.

And the resulting juggling act for parents has hit their careers hard. Families are getting frazzled, and many women’s careers are being put on pause (Nearly 1.6 million mothers have left the American workforce in the pandemic era, leading to the lowest female participation rates since the 1970s). In turn, employers are finding it harder to hire and retain talent.

At Adecco, we believe the pandemic is an opportunity to reimagine work, and part of that is rethinking that elusive work/life balance. Below, learn what employers can do to attract and retain working parents.

Instill a family-friendly culture

Reduce stress and anxiety for working parents by ensuring your managers have the right mindset. Refocus their thinking on the value working parents bring to the table, including adaptability, leadership, and empathy. Supervisors can be more understanding of disruptions caused by sick children and daycare surprises (which are often causes of absenteeism and turnover). If you can, consider offering stipends for daycare or educational expenses. And – crucially – make sure employees exercising these benefits don’t face stigma or other barriers.

Meet parents where they are

Avoid making assumptions about what you think is best, and let parents take the lead. Make sure they feel comfortable telling you what accommodations work for them and which ones don’t by conducting listening sessions and anonymous surveys. When employers let parents decide what they can take on, they can stop the vicious cycle that can stunt parents’ career growth or cause them to stay out of the workforce altogether.

Measure performance on results, not hours

In workplaces where staying late is more important than the work getting done, parents can really struggle. Establish meaningful performance metrics based on merit, not hours. Discourage presenteeism and ‘busy metrics’ that could exacerbate burnout and turnover. These types of expectations can leave parents labeled as not committed or excited about their jobs. In turn, they can miss out on big projects or opportunities to advance their careers. Again, this is another area where employers can step up and make an effort to create pathways for parents to advance and grow in their roles.

Rethink location

Parents tend to make location decisions based on school districts, housing costs, and their neighborhood or community. On the other hand, employers may prefer big cities or major industry hubs, but these may be precisely the districts working parents would rather avoid. While incentives like relocation packages only work for those with the flexibility and freedom to relocate geographically, opening up to more hybrid or fully remote positions can be key to getting fresh and committed talent.

At Adecco, we believe a diverse and welcoming workplace is key for every business’s long-term success. For more insights on the complex, unfolding issues shaping our working world, download our research paper, Resetting Normal: Defining The New Era Of Work.

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Employers are missing out on great veteran hires. Here’s how to fix it. https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/employers-are-missing-out-on-great-veteran-hires-heres-how-to-fix-it/ Wed, 10 Nov 2021 18:31:19 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16167 Camaraderie. Resilience. Discipline. Critical thinking. Veterans come with a wealth of sought-after transferable skills. Masters of navigating uncertainty, veterans often perform at higher levels and have lower turnover rates than their civilianRead More...

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Camaraderie. Resilience. Discipline. Critical thinking. Veterans come with a wealth of sought-after transferable skills. Masters of navigating uncertainty, veterans often perform at higher levels and have lower turnover rates than their civilian counterparts. Many spend years managing large numbers of people and expensive equipment. And their sense of responsibility means they are often the first on the job and the last to leave.

So, why do so many veterans face unemployment and underemployment after they hang up the uniform? Below, we explain what stops veterans – and their spouses – from getting the job offer, and what employers can do about it.

Recruiters don’t speak military

Often, recruiters won’t recognize military job titles, ranks, and acronyms, never mind military credentials. They might have low expectations of veterans’ skills and fear that they won’t be a good fit for their workplace. Consequently, they’re more likely to reject veteran candidates or push them into specific fields, like security or trucking, for example. Indeed, 38 of the top 50 industries employ them at a lower rate than nonveterans.

AI weeds out qualified veteran candidates

Most military jobs have a civilian equivalent, but veterans don’t screen like civilians because their job titles are different. AI-based applicant tracking software can put candidates in the reject pile if they lack industry keywords or have gaps in employment history. This disadvantages veterans and exacerbates the talent crunch by rejecting millions of candidates straight off the bat.

Job requirements exclude veteran experience

Job descriptions can deter many veterans before they even get to the application stage. Civilian terms for certain skills don’t always align with how veterans see their skills sets, leading them to rule out roles they are very qualified for. Moreover, postings often demand specialized hard skills that veterans will struggle to attain during their military careers.

Veterans aren’t linked in with civilians

Who you know matters. Veterans often haven’t had the opportunity to build a strong professional network, which can become a problem as they transition to the civilian workforce. (Plus, civilian workers usually lack strong connections with the veteran community.) Unsurprisingly, this leads many veterans to underplay or exclude their military service from job applications.

Military spouses suffer, too

Most military spouses are well qualified for any number of careers, and want or need to work. Yet, the unemployment rate among this group is 24 percent. At the same time, wages are 25% lower than among the civilian population, mainly due to frequent relocations, childcare issues, and an inability to transfer occupational licenses from state to state.

What employers can do

Empowering veterans in the workplace isn’t charity. If you’re not hiring veterans, you’re missing out on a uniquely qualified talent pool of skilled leaders, technicians, and innovators. Here’s what you can do:

Use data as your strategic asset
Dig deep into your hiring data to pinpoint where veterans are dropping out of your recruitment funnel. Regularly review your employee data to establish which roles veterans tend to fill at your company. Delve into departments, seniority levels, and contract types. Ask yourself whether unseen barriers might be causing veterans to languish in roles below their experience level or to drop out altogether.

Level-up internal awareness
Don’t make veterans do all the heavy-lifting in translating their skills. Invest in training to elevate hiring managers’ understanding of the roadblocks and eliminate any preconceived opinions. Train recruiters in when it might be appropriate to waive industry experience requirements. And consider including veterans for ‘top of the funnel’ candidate engagement through recruitment and onboarding, and in promoting internal knowledge transfer.

Institute a dedicated veteran hiring track
Veterans themselves tend to believe that civilian hiring managers will devalue their military experience, and with good reason. Counter that by setting up veterans-only recruitment processes, careers sites, and internal referral programs that cater to their unique needs. Encourage veteran candidates to speak with existing veteran employees. And recraft job descriptions to focus on relevant skills rather than specific degrees or years of industry experience.

And take care of military spouses
Lack of childcare, frequent moves, and the demands of supporting a partner in the military make finding appropriate work intensely difficult for this group. Let them work flexibly, and from home, where possible. And be vocal in your support for military families so military spouses feel seen, included, and welcome at your company.

Considering the escalating stress and financial pressure wrought by the pandemic, we need to do more than thank our veterans this Veteran’s Day. Companies must support them in meaningful ways year-round.

Adecco can help. Our Military Alliance program has been working to address the high unemployment rate for vets and their spouses. To help open doors, we provide job placement, career counseling, resume enhancement, interview training, and much more.

And we partner with groups like the Military Spouse Employment Partnership to help entire military families find jobs they love. Learn more about how Adecco supports veterans and their families.

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The unexpected opportunities in hybrid, flexible work environments https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/the-unexpected-opportunities-in-hybrid-flexible-work-environments/ Thu, 28 Oct 2021 20:47:39 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16155 The COVID-19 pandemic upended work as we know it, and the hybrid model is here to stay – whether employers want it or not. However, it’s an opportunity to reimagine how weRead More...

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The COVID-19 pandemic upended work as we know it, and the hybrid model is here to stay – whether employers want it or not. However, it’s an opportunity to reimagine how we think about work. So, as you and your team continue a sporadic return to the office, what ways of working will ensure everyone feels supported, included, and ready to perform at their best? Below, we list five hybrid work opportunities identified in The Adecco Group’s Resetting Normal research and offer our insights into harnessing them.

Better work-life balance for parents

Constant juggling. Crazy hours. Who said remote work was the promised land for working parents? Although 50% of parents said their work-life balance had improved in the pandemic’s wake, parents increasingly prefer to set boundaries between work and family time. Hybrid working gives workers more control over their schedule and shortens their commute time. Flexible work environments are especially highly valued by moms (81%), dads (73%), and those with caring responsibilities (79%) – but parents want to spend more time at the office (51%) than the rest of their colleagues (42%). Cloud-based collaboration tools give working parents the best of both worlds, empowering everyone to work from wherever suits them. Thankfully, driven by the pandemic’s urgency, most firms have already adopted these game-changing tools.

Rethinking the virtual workplace for younger employees

More than half of the nation’s total population are millennials, Gen Z, or younger. But young workers are feeling isolated and are finding it hard to grow their careers without the in-person networking their older colleagues enjoyed. It is vital to find ways to keep younger employees engaged and make sure they have experienced people around to help them grow. As teams and leaders get used to connecting with each other virtually, hybrid workplaces are facilitating relationships between colleagues who are far-flung, multi-generational, and of various seniority levels. Hybrid makes it easier to expand the reach of career-boosting programs like mentorship. ‘Reverse mentoring‘ is on the rise in the hybrid environment, too, helping young workers build vital skills, while giving leaders invaluable insights that help them stay relevant to younger colleagues and customers.

Collaborating and building community in the virtual workplace

From collaborative virtual meetings to virtual polls to whiteboarding: 63% of respondents said their digital and remote working skills improved during the pandemic. Communication and brainstorm increasingly take place on open online platforms, often incorporating real-time translation so colleagues of various language abilities can contribute. Instead of ideas staying stuck jotted on someone’s notepad, they get refined and turned into actionable tasks and scalable solutions. This ‘working out loud,’ approach also makes it harder to hide inaction or mask poor performance. Done right, hybrid working means expanded collaboration for faster innovations and a more open working culture.

Creating an inclusive future of work

Diverse teams drive innovation. Shifting to a hybrid working model is expected to create more opportunities for people with disabilities (75%), working parents (73%), and those from diverse backgrounds (69%). As well as making it easier for existing employees to fully participate, the hybrid workplace allows employers to hire and onboard remote workers from new, untapped talent pools across America and beyond.

At Adecco, we’re experts in helping employers like you navigate all aspects of today’s tricky employment and economic environment. From white papers to case studies to research papers, we have a wealth of insight on the changing world of work. Also: read our tips on managing remote teams, understanding employee absenteeism, energizing employees during tough times, and tackling ghosting coasting.

Learn more about how we can help your business thrive.

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The post The unexpected opportunities in hybrid, flexible work environments appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.

Understanding the 5 factors affecting employee absenteeism https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/understanding-the-5-factors-affecting-employee-absenteeism/ Wed, 20 Oct 2021 08:58:00 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16136 From missed deadlines to rescheduled meetings to overwhelmed employees, unplanned absences can drag down workplace productivity by as much as a third. The effects of workers regularly missing work include low morale,Read More...

The post Understanding the 5 factors affecting employee absenteeism appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.


From missed deadlines to rescheduled meetings to overwhelmed employees, unplanned absences can drag down workplace productivity by as much as a third. The effects of workers regularly missing work include low morale, frustrated clients, and a unsteady bottom line. So, what’s behind the rise in employee absenteeism, and why’s it happening now? We look at the five top drivers.

Physical health

Illness, injury, and medical appointments are the most reported reasons for missing work. At the same time, absences related to chronic health complaints like diabetes or obesity cost US employers more than $36 billion a year. And thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, more workers called in sick in 2020 than at any time in two decades, with an average of 1.5 million people a month missing work, at a cost that will take decades to make up.

Mental health

As employees grapple with lives altered by the pandemic, huge swathes feel burnt out or struggle with their mental health. Depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion each year in lost productivity. Often workplace mental health concerns can be tied to poor health and safety, inadequate communication, poor leadership, or a lack of control over one’s work.

Childcare and eldercare

Managing work while raising kids or looking after older loved ones has always been the ultimate balancing act. After the start of the pandemic, childcare-related absences soared to 250% of the 20-year average. Millions of Americans (mostly women) called out of work or even left the workforce entirely to look after children or relatives at home. Many experts point to a lack of inclusion in the workplace as an often-overlooked absenteeism driver.


Bad weather, car problems, late buses. A long commute increases the risk of absenteeism and poor productivity, especially among low-income workers and disadvantaged groups. Over 40% of American adults would not be able to cover an emergency car repair bill of $400. In fact, employees themselves can take a financial hit from absenteeism, especially if they’re unsalaried or depend on tips or commissions. The problem can compound and leave many without the means to travel to work.

Bullying and harassment

As many as 30% of Americans have been bullied at one point or another in the workplace. Overt or subtle, bullying and harassment make work intolerable for employees, pushing many to call in sick. In addition to uncontrolled absenteeism, this leads to long-term personal consequences for the victim, fiscal consequences for the company, and adverse effects on non-target coworkers.

If you’re concerned that absenteeism becoming a problem for your business, we can help you tailor your HR practices to better support you and your workforce.

When you partner with Adecco, we’ll help you get a handle these challenges and build an adaptive, resilient workforce strategy. We can help you evaluate your current flexibility provisions, and consult with you on new, attendance-boosting accommodations, employee transportation, wellbeing support, and inclusion. You’ll get access to our deep candidate pipeline, innovative staffing tools, and resources to help you improve retention.

From white papers to case studies to research papers, we have a wealth of insight on the issues surrounding absenteeism. Also: read our tips on keeping your pandemic-weary workforce energized, tackling ‘ghosting coasting,’ and how to manage remote teams effectively.

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The post Understanding the 5 factors affecting employee absenteeism appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.

What’s ‘ghosting coasting,’ and why is it spooking America’s employers? https://phoenixstaffingagency.net/whats-ghosting-coasting-and-why-is-it-spooking-americas-employers/ Tue, 05 Oct 2021 17:10:22 +0000 https://blog.adeccousa.com/?p=16129 We’ve heard a lot about the labor crunch in recent months. But there’s another trend developing among America’s workforce. It’s called ghosting coasting, and it’s happening right now. Find out what itRead More...

The post What’s ‘ghosting coasting,’ and why is it spooking America’s employers? appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.


We’ve heard a lot about the labor crunch in recent months. But there’s another trend developing among America’s workforce. It’s called ghosting coasting, and it’s happening right now. Find out what it is, why people are doing it, and how employers can buck the trend.

What’s ghosting coasting?

There are over a million more positions open in America right now than workers looking to fill them. Increasingly, new hires are working for a few weeks and moving on to catch a better-paid job or the next sign-on incentive. That’s ‘ghosting coasting.’ The trend is especially prevalent in the service industry, but this year, it’s becoming a big problem in manufacturing and other sectors.

Why are people doing it?

Economists have pointed to ‘disincentives’ like expanded unemployment benefits. But there are deeper reasons. In the last 18 months, workers have turned themselves inside out looking after their careers and children at home. They often bore the brunt of the pandemic’s economic burden. Burnout is another factor: Workers are frustrated with what they consider low wages, poor benefits, and difficult working hours. In addition, store and restaurant workers face regular COVID-19 exposure and are often tasked with acting as mask-mandate enforcers.

What can employers do about it?

Avoiding ghosting coasting means getting creative (and honest) about how to recruit, reward, retain, and nurture talent. Here’s what you can do:

Level-up your value proposition

What can you offer your workers beyond paychecks? Reward the value they create by helping them thrive in life and their careers. You can offer valuable training and upskilling opportunities (for free via our Aspire Academy), so they’re working for you and for their future.

Beware bad hires

Backed into a corner, employers are hiring at warp speed. But don’t compromise the integrity of your hiring process. It’s still important to verify and prescreen each candidate, but you can also make sure that outdated internal policies don’t arbitrarily exclude well-qualified candidates, like those who have nontraditional work history or those with a criminal background.

Look after loyal workers

If you need to operate with a skeletal crew, adjust your operating hours accordingly. If you’re not already drafting temporary workers, start now. If you can afford it, consider closing for a day for some much-needed rest and to protect workers from burnout. Even, developing an organizational purpose can help your employees feel valued and motivated.

Shake up incentives

Attendance bonuses. Free food. Longer breaks. Employers need a toolbox of benefits to stay ahead of the curve in the war for talent. Go beyond gimmicks. As the pandemic continues, workers gravitate to employers genuinely invested in their well-being. You can add meaningful benefits and perks, like flexible shifts, daycare stipends, or transportation to and from work.

Get wages right

Our data shows that people are 60% more likely to return to work if the pay rate falls above the 75th percentile. Determining the right wages can be tricky without real-time market data and decades of experience in staffing. That’s why tools like our salary calculator can help you set the proper pay for the workers you need.

Our working world has changed. At Adecco, we can help you develop a tailor-made plan that makes sense for your budget and can be scaled up or down at any point.

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The post What’s ‘ghosting coasting,’ and why is it spooking America’s employers? appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.
