Business Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing Tue, 24 Aug 2021 13:15:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Archives - Paragon Strategic Staffing 32 32 Remote onboarding: How to make it work for everyone Tue, 24 Aug 2021 13:15:27 +0000 Wow your new recruits with a thoughtfully structured remote onboarding program that sets them up for success. Read on to learn how to make your new hires feel welcomed, empowered, and includedRead More...

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Wow your new recruits with a thoughtfully structured remote onboarding program that sets them up for success. Read on to learn how to make your new hires feel welcomed, empowered, and included right from the very start – even when you can’t do it in person.

Why is remote onboarding important?

Great onboarding should be a key part of every company’s employer branding, retention, and strategic recruitment strategies. Successful remote onboarding can turbo-charge employee engagement right from the get-go, help new staff be productive more quickly, and minimize the risk of employee churn. With a growing number of Delta variant COVID-19 cases across the country, it has never been more important for employers to reimagine onboarding programs for the virtual or hybrid future.

What does great remote onboarding look like?

Remote onboarding is about making your new hire feel informed, connected, and cared for while giving them the tools and support they need to do their job. Getting it right is a team effort, with a structured strategy for HR, IT, line managers, and team members working seamlessly to deliver a great experience.

Start early

A good onboarding process starts well before the first day. This is especially true in today’s compressed labor market, where an oversupply of jobs means candidates are increasingly ghosting employers. Why not let them know you can’t wait to have them by sending a branded goodie bag before their first day? And have your CEO, department head, or your new start’s immediate team record a video message that makes them feel a part of things from the get-go. New hires starting remotely will be missing out on all those off-the-cuff interactions and in-person lunches that usually help break the ice. You’ll need to get creative and leverage technology to simulate in-person experiences if you’re to set the right tone for your distributed team to hit it off from the start.

Keep it human

All too often, onboarding programs – whether remote or in-person – focus on ramping people up to start delivering, rather than making them feel like a valued new team member. What workplace communities do you have that might interest them? Perhaps a sports club, a women’s chapter, or an ally network for LGBTQ+ employees or people of color? Make it clear that your workplace is somewhere they can be themselves. Be careful to acknowledge that some workers, like parents or people in different time zones, might face additional hurdles around remote working. Like most aspects of finding, recruiting, and retaining employees, a great onboarding program starts with getting to know America’s workers.

Make ‘Day 1’ matter

Ensure that the all-important first day is well-structured, with video conferences scheduled to get to know their manager and new team. A virtual tour of head office, introducing the people they’ll be working with, can help too. Include space for informal, more personal chat, while ensuring that expectations are clear around their job role, working hours, and managing their workload. At the same time, it’s important not to overwhelm them. New hires can quickly feel lost because they’re uncomfortable about bombarding their manager with questions while they’re trying to create a good impression. It’s a good idea to assign a ‘buddy’ who can help with the practical realities, which can be hard to grasp remotely. At the end of the first day, check in on how they’re doing.

Get the technology right

This one should be obvious, but it’s hard to overstate the importance of making sure new hires have the right tech, and are set up with all the software, access rights, and accessories they need. Send out equipment, including detailed how-to-guides, early (remember that deliveries can take longer during the pandemic). Arrange training for your employees around all the apps and systems your teams use. Pay special attention to employees who may need a bit of extra help – especially those who may have been left out of the workforce during the pandemic. As many as 25% of US workers will be using collaboration tools for the first time. Don’t let technology slow them down in contributing their unique strengths.

Up the communication ante

Don’t assume that the communication cadence you designed for in-person onboarding will work virtually. Remote new hires will miss out on so many informal conversations and observations around the office that would have helped them feel their way in those vital first few weeks. You’ll need to communicate more regularly, at carefully planned out milestones, and on a spontaneous, ongoing basis. This way, your new hire will have the interaction they need to keep from blowing off course. Encourage distributed communication by asking other team members to include your new hire in virtual coffee breaks, lunches, or even after-work drinks.

Remote onboarding can be tricky, but with the right strategy and great teamwork you can create an outstanding experience for your new recruits.

Learn more about managing your remote workforce, from keeping your employees engaged to supporting younger employees who may be struggling to start their careers remotely. And you can find more top tips on retaining top talent with our 6 Retention Strategies.

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Unite your scattered workforce: Our tips on managing remote teams Mon, 23 Aug 2021 16:09:21 +0000 COVID-19 has upended many of the barriers to remote work. A recent Gallup survey found that seven in 10 US white-collar workers are still working remotely over a year into the pandemic.Read More...

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COVID-19 has upended many of the barriers to remote work. A recent Gallup survey found that seven in 10 US white-collar workers are still working remotely over a year into the pandemic. Most of them say they would like to stay remote, or adopt a hybrid working model, and would consider switching jobs if they were forced to come back to the office full-time.

Delivering an outstanding employee experience that keeps your distributed workforce engaged has never been more crucial. And that means establishing the right guardrails and supports for every employee.

Here are our top tips on managing happy, productive, and successful remote teams:

Don’t let physical distance turn into emotional distance

Successful long-term remote or hybrid working requires effective leadership. Up to 70% of employee engagement can be attributed to managers, while feelings of isolation can reduce performance by up to 20%. The fix can be as simple as making sure your team meets more often. A morning stand-up might be enough when you’re all co-located, but remote workers can easily get out of sync. Incorporating a second brief stand-up in the afternoon can help.

Get creative with technology

These days, great leaders use technology to set the scene for serendipitous encounters between colleagues online. Keep spirits up with innovative new engagement hacks like virtual water coolers, camera filters for virtual party hats, or randomly selected lunch buddies. They can also help promote inclusion, especially for newer or younger team members who haven’t built strong networks yet. Digital awards and certificates and Kudos channels are great ways to celebrate wins and recognize good work virtually. Explore new video messaging and other tools that can offer a more personal method of communication for when calendars won’t line up across distributed geographies.

Share a compelling remote working vision

Most companies haven’t communicated a vision for post-pandemic work to their employees. This lack of clarity about what the future might hold can leave employees feeling stressed, anxious, and even more burnt out. Build a remote/hybrid work playbook, with troubleshooting guidance and direction around future company strategy. If you don’t know something yet, then say you don’t. But don’t leave it to chance, or your employee experience will suffer.

Humanize the remote employee experience

Days spent staring at a screen at home can be exhausting and isolating. Managers can keep up energy levels by injecting a bit of fun into the working day. How about a team stretch during the daily stand-up? Or why not kick-off meetings by introducing potential interrupters, like children, pets, and partners? And, at the end of each busy week, a Friday unplugging ritual can help employees know it’s time to switch off and focus on their away-from-work passions. You can even introduce gamification into your remote workforce.

Reframe the office as the new offsite

The past year’s great work from home experiment taught us that it doesn’t always make sense for workers to travel to the office. Forward-thinking leaders will use this time as an opportunity to strengthen employee culture. This might involve reimagining offices as spaces for increased collaboration, where workers can safely come together to collaborate, learn, socialize, and grow. Providing catering to encourage chance interactions is another proven technique. When the time is right to welcome your people back to the office, read our overview of safe working practices.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have worked with customers to navigate remote workforce solutions, including how to onboard new hires remotely.

For more insights on delivering a great remote employee experience, download the recent whitepaper on How to make remote work, work for everyone from our parent company, The Adecco Group. And join us for ‘Resetting Normal,’ an online panel discussion on how our working world is changing, on September the 2nd at 8:30 ET? Register here to attend.

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On-demand pay: How Adecco’s making payroll work for everyone Thu, 19 Aug 2021 18:46:18 +0000 With the jobs market tighter than ever, it’s no secret that workers are demanding ever-higher salaries and benefits. Employers are tripping over themselves to sweeten incentives to lure new employees and retainRead More...

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With the jobs market tighter than ever, it’s no secret that workers are demanding ever-higher salaries and benefits. Employers are tripping over themselves to sweeten incentives to lure new employees and retain existing ones. From McDonald’s paying candidates $50 just to show up for an interview, to JBC paying for college degrees for workers and their children.

After a year of financial turmoil, it’s not hard to see why. According to PwC’s employee financial wellness survey, 63% of American employees say that their financial stress has increased since the pandemic. Their household incomes have dropped, they struggle to pay monthly expenses, and they’re twice as likely to have used a payday loan or advance in the past year. Moreover, Bankrate’s Financial Security Index found that fewer than 4 in 10 US adults have enough savings to cover a four-figure emergency room visit or car repair. This struggle to make ends meet leaves employees stressed, distracted, or even absent from work. And – unsurprisingly – more prone to leaving.

Many employers face a limit on the financial perks they can offer, so we are stepping up to help them provide something that closely aligns with the realities of how employees spend their money: earned wage access.

On-demand pay benefits for workers

This innovative new payment tool, now offered by Adecco, allows employees to withdraw their tax-adjusted pay as they earn it. It helps us do right by workers: safeguarding them from predatory lenders and supporting their all-round financial well-being.

On-demand pay empowers workers, especially hourly or low income workers, with the tools to control their finances when emergencies or unexpected bills come up. Crucially, it isn’t a loan with interest rates for the employee. It just allows them to access a part of their wages before their official payday, which, for many workers, can be the difference between financial peace of mind and financial meltdown. Funds can be delivered by cash, card, or into a bank account with full transparency over real-time balances (Employees can even automatically direct money to rent and savings).

In this tough labor market, on-demand pay is a great differentiator for attraction and retention, enhancing the employer brand and culture. At Adecco, employees using our on-demand payroll solution have 14% better retention figures than the rest. Absenteeism stats have improved, too. And it’s all taken care of simply and cheaply, with our partner DailyPay managing all the processing and administration, ensuring compliance with payroll and taxation laws, across the US.

The bottom line? As the jobs market gets more competitive, making employers wait around until the end of the month to access money they’ve already earned just won’t cut it anymore. On-demand pay is one simple, low-cost, high yield solution that delivers for your business – and your employees.

Learn more about the staffing tools and solutions we offer employers, and see how we can make them work for your business, too.

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Upskilling in manufacturing: Building the industrial workforce of the future Mon, 16 Aug 2021 12:42:00 +0000 Despite all the talk of automation eating up jobs, US manufacturing is expected to have 2.1 million unfilled vacancies by 2030. At the same time, pandemic-driven market fluctuations and supply chain disturbancesRead More...

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Despite all the talk of automation eating up jobs, US manufacturing is expected to have 2.1 million unfilled vacancies by 2030. At the same time, pandemic-driven market fluctuations and supply chain disturbances mean that more and more companies are opening up well-paid, purposeful jobs for American workers.

To seize these opportunities, manufacturers need to start creating new career paths today. That begins with carefully mapping current and future skills requirements, from today’s blue-collar workers to the engineers and data scientists driving manufacturing’s digital future. And that means reskilling and reemploying their workforces, fast. Here’s our lowdown on how to do just that:

Cultivate highly transferable skills to make your workforce ‘disruption proof’

The pandemic hit some sub-sectors of manufacturing harder than others. For example, we saw demand surges for firms dealing in fitness gear, sanitization, and air filtration, and sharp downturns for commercial aerospace or heavy equipment. So how can manufacturers stay nimble and ready to pivot their offering in line with future market lunges? Well, across sub-sectors, today’s manufacturing jobs are increasingly high-tech, blending traditional competencies like welding and machining with cutting-edge digital know-how. That’s why we recommend building standardized skills around lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, and quality control, in addition to disruptive manufacturing technologies, from AI and wearable tech, to 3D printing, robotics, and virtual reality. Technology holds the key to building a disruption-proof workforce – even for hiring. We harness AI and data-driven solutions to help our manufacturing customers solve their staffing problems.

Tap into skills from non-traditional talent pools

Manufacturers must move faster to foster more inclusive workforces if they are to close the skills gap. Upskilling multiple generational segments of the workforce is just one compelling opportunity. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that around 25% of America’s workers will be age 55 and older by 2026, yet only 3.3% of all apprentices were over 50. The reality of America’s ageing workforce demands that manufacturers embrace up-skilling or re-skilling older workers, especially through apprenticeships, if they are to have a sustainable talent strategy.

Reskilling workers from other sectors is other great source of new people and competencies, with 16% of new hires in US manufacturing already coming from outside the sector, according to PwC research. Hundreds of thousands of people in occupations like catering or travel were left out of work by the pandemic and could be re-skilled for in-demand manufacturing roles like welding, machining, and fabrication. And in our article on upskilling and reskilling for the top competencies in the post-Covid era, we argue that customer service, emotional intelligence, and other softer skills can be highly valuable – and transfer seamlessly – across sectors.

Offer meaningful, long-term training and development

Upskilling comes in many shapes and sizes. From on-the-job training to formal certifications, embracing creative solutions can enhance your talent pool while boosting retention. Employers won’t necessarily have to bear the financial burden of upskilling alone. Working with us means access to many U.S. Department of Labor registered apprenticeships supported by the Adecco Foundation. It’s crucial to maintain career-boosting upskilling opportunities even in the face of the operational difficulties caused by ongoing COVID restrictions. Read how we partnered with a Georgia manufacturer to deliver a creative upskilling solution to plug a skills shortfall at the height of the pandemic last year.

At Adecco, we are passionate about addressing America’s skills gap, and creating greater economic opportunity for all American workers. Among employment agencies, we have the biggest candidate database in the country. Learn how we help some of America’s biggest manufacturers redeploy and reskill key talent.

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How can employers make remote and hybrid working easier on younger workers? Wed, 11 Aug 2021 20:41:27 +0000 When the pandemic forced workers out of their offices and into their homes, younger workers – ‘digital natives’ with superior tech skills – seemed best-placed to cope. But over a year intoRead More...

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When the pandemic forced workers out of their offices and into their homes, younger workers – ‘digital natives’ with superior tech skills – seemed best-placed to cope. But over a year into the pandemic, younger workers report being more stressed, less productive, and more isolated: and they’re finding it more difficult to progress in their careers.  Unsurprisingly, they are also among the most likely to look forward to getting back into the office, at least for some of the time, post-pandemic.

More than half of the nation’s total population are now millennials, Gen Z or younger, so employers need to take urgent action to keep younger employees engaged. 

Here are three steps employers can take to help younger workers do their best work, whether they’re fully or hybrid remote:

1. Help them create a functional home office

One of the most basic but important things employers can do is make sure their workers have a decent home office set-up. When the pandemic first struck, many workers enjoyed the novelty of working on the sofa, at the coffee table, or even while propped up in bed. That soon subsided as home working dragged on, and workers found that those very conveniences, over time, were leading to crippling back pain.

Often younger workers don’t have the means to build an ergonomically safe home office without support from their employer. Our research shows the battle for good candidates has never been more competitive, so employers should consider providing – or at least helping to pay for – adjustable desks, chairs, and monitors for remote workers. Being comfortable at work can have a significant impact on productivity, this one should be an easy win for employers looking to keep younger employees throughout and beyond the pandemic.

2. Make sure employees have space to grow

According to Springtide Research, 86% of young people say it is important that their supervisors offer them opportunities to grow. Yet, many younger workers feel they are missing out on the chance encounters, watercooler conversations, and lunch meetings that helped their older colleagues build great workplace relationships or secure career-advancing opportunities back in their day.

Access to formal and informal training can support their growth (and improve employee retention, according to our recent white paper). Employers can help by making sure there are regular online and in-person opportunities for younger employees to feel connected to their immediate team, and to network and build meaningful connections across the company. That could be hosting informal, cameras-on virtual coffees or outdoor offsite events, or it can more operational such as increasing the frequency of team stand-up meetings. The important thing is to keep young workers connected, visible, and – most importantly – included. 

3. Look after their mental health

Over half of American workers have reported suffering from mental health issues since the Covid outbreak started. This ‘mental health pandemic’ is even worse among younger adults, who are more susceptible to financial stressors. While many are parents of young children, others in the younger cohorts are single and spend entire days alone at home, leaving them feeling isolated and unsupported.

So, what can employers do? The most important thing is to normalize talking about mental health issues and create safe online and in-person spaces for these conversations to happen. Employers should consider investing in paid-for access to mental health resources for their workers and encourage employees to use them without fear of stigma. Immediate supervisors play a crucial role here, as they can watch for any signs of psychological distress.

At the same time, leaders should role-model work-life balance and create a culture of ensuring adequate breaks and downtime, even when working from home. In addition, managers should invest serious time getting to know their young workers, especially if many have been onboarded remotely and missed out on the opportunity to build strong relationships with their team

For more insights from Adecco on how our working world is changing – and to learn more about keeping your workers included and engaged on the journey – why not join us for ‘Resetting Normal,’ an online panel discussion on September the 2nd at 8.30 ET? You can register for the event here.

At Adecco, we’re experts in helping employers like you navigate all aspects of today’s tricky employment and economic environment. To learn more about how we can help your business thrive, click here!

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Need to hire temp staff fast? Appeal to their top motivators. Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:54:53 +0000 Employers across the country are in a fierce fight to attract temporary workers. To make sure your job offers entice the candidates you need, you must appeal to their unique, individual needs.Read More...

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Employers across the country are in a fierce fight to attract temporary workers. To make sure your job offers entice the candidates you need, you must appeal to their unique, individual needs. We take a look at the top-three drivers for today’s candidates – based on a recent staffing industry survey – and explain how you can build a winning package that resonates with your target temps.

#1. Pay rate

Across the board, pay remains the most important criteria for temporary workers, with a definitive 90% putting it among their top-three decision criteria. Of course, few employers can afford to raise pay rates continuously, but there are many creative ways to boost the financial appeal of job offers. Have you thought about offering employees instant access to wages? Or paying out an attendance bonus weekly (or even daily)? When it comes to base pay, our free, real-time 2021 payrate calculator can help you get your offer right the first time.

#2. Location

Nearly two-thirds of all respondents (63%) cited this, but there were big differences in the opinions of certain types of workers. Generally, the higher up a worker was on the pay scale, the less they tended to care about the location. (A trend that’s likely to continue as white-collar workers work remotely, post-Covid.) On the other hand, workers in occupations like production and healthcare were the most likely to care about location, perhaps because they don’t want to travel far for late-night or early morning shifts. This means employers must carefully target outreach for those jobs on a geographic basis. At Adecco, we go to great lengths to make sure the right workers see the right job ads – with the right messaging – from hosting localized in-person and online job events, to sophisticated geo-demographic targeting on social media. The result? More applies and faster fills for our clients.

#3. Working conditions/culture

Across the spectrum, 54% of workers – from knowledge workers to healthcare practitioners – put this in their top-three. Perhaps unsurprisingly in the current pandemic environment, production workers (59%) were the group who found this factor particularly important

We advise clients on tools and strategies to improve workplace safety, particularly during Covid. If you’re an employer, you should regularly ask yourself: Can we make this job cleaner, safer, and easier? Can we relieve our workers of tedious and strenuous tasks with increased automation and ergonomics controls? If you are committed to worker safety and a great workplace culture, the word will soon get out. You’ll find it easier to attract much-needed temp staffers and enhance employee retention along the way.

According to the SIA survey, the other most important criteria for temp workers included: ‘work/life balance’ (43%); ‘close skills match’ (34%); and training offered (9%), but – again – with big variations between worker groups.

So, in a nutshell, how can employers better appeal to temporary job candidates?

Employers can dramatically increase success rates when hiring in-demand temporary workers: Segment your target candidates into different demographic and occupational groups, and then tailor offers to align with their unique drivers.

For more Adecco insights on attracting temporary workers, read our article on holiday hiring, our two-part series on winning the battle for candidates, and our white paper on seasonal hiring. Visit our Employer Resources section for more helpful insights, and contact us if you have any staffing needs.

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Seasonal staffing in retail and ecommerce: 5 steps to holiday hiring success Mon, 02 Aug 2021 19:52:00 +0000 These days, retailers aren’t just in battle for consumer dollars. They’re going to war for seasonal workers. Job seekers have enormous choice and that puts employers under pressure to hire the bestRead More...

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These days, retailers aren’t just in battle for consumer dollars. They’re going to war for seasonal workers. Job seekers have enormous choice and that puts employers under pressure to hire the best temporary staff as early as possible. Just consider that last year, Amazon went on a hiring spree to recruit 100,000 seasonal workers for processing holiday orders.

Many industry players pull in the bulk of their annual profit in the last quarter, so adequate staffing during this time can make the difference between a successful year and a disastrous one. While the war for good workers has never been tougher, pent-up demand and projections of a new ‘roaring twenties’ economy means rich pickings are in store for retailers who get it right.

Read on for our five tips for seasonal hiring success:

Tip 1: Above all, start early!

It’s not enough just to put a few ads out for seasonal labor a month or so before you need your workers to start. You’ll need to be systematic about which types of workers you’re targeting. And don’t forget – COVID-19 has changed the very nature of peak period planning, from ‘back-to-school’ to potentially another virtual Christmas. At Adecco, we are experts in quickly mobilizing huge numbers of temporary staff and our recruiters will act decisively to secure the holiday talent you need.

Tip 2: Understand the complex dynamics of today’s market

According to McKinsey, COVID-19 catapulted the retail industry through 10 years’ worth of change in 90 days. Many retailers were forced to lay off sizable chunks of their workforces. At the same time, stimulus checks, an oversupply of jobs and a hesitant U.S. workforce has sent wages and benefits soaring. But there are opportunities for employers, too. Hundreds of thousands of people were left out of work in other sectors, and they can potentially be re-deployed and inject some diversity of thinking into your workforce. Working with a top staffing partner can help you stay creative in attracting the right workers with the right offer thanks to resources like our free payrate calculator.

Tip 3: Don’t underestimate the administrative burden

Seasonal hiring helps you scale your teams without overburdening your permanent staff. But vetting applicants, scheduling interviews and processing hiring paperwork takes considerable time and resources. This means diverting your core team – from HR and recruitment, to finance to corporate counsel – away from your regular business for weeks at a time. What’s more, uncertainties around stimulus support, lockdowns and ever-shifting regulations make operational planning difficult. Learn more from this case study about how we rapidly deployed workers when our retail client needed an urgent ramp-up.

Tip 4: Allay COVID-19 fears through meticulous safety protocols

Recent research suggests that candidates are still facing tough decisions when it comes to returning to work, with millions citing COVID-19 fears. To create a workplace where everyone feels safe, we have produced a range of resources to help you keep your people infection-free during the ongoing pandemic. You can also access our specialized staffing offerings like temperature takers, or visit our business continuity page, designed to reassure our clients and associates of our ongoing commitment throughout the pandemic.

Tip 5: Take the load off permanent staff

Now, more than ever, employers need to protect their current staff. Work-related mental health issues and physical health problems are on the rise. Do employers really want to keep pressing permanent associates to deal with exponential increases in throughput, with all the stress and physical strain that entails? Do they want to burden their finance and HR teams with the relentless uptick in volumes that comes with holiday time? At Adecco, we can help you lighten the load on your staff, while building a healthy workplace culture and – as a bonus – help you boost your retention stats, too.

To learn more about how we can help your business meet even the most challenging peak period staffing demands, download our Seasonal Hiring white paper

Visit our Employer Resources section for more helpful insights, and contact us if you have any staffing needs.

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How employers can navigate the semiconductor shortage Mon, 26 Jul 2021 21:49:00 +0000 In the digital age, semiconductor chips have been popping up all around us, from connected cars, to smart home lightbulbs, to robotic vacuum cleaners. In the past year, a perfect storm ofRead More...

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In the digital age, semiconductor chips have been popping up all around us, from connected cars, to smart home lightbulbs, to robotic vacuum cleaners. In the past year, a perfect storm of factors – from COVID-induced disruptions to fragile supply chains, to geopolitical tensions – has sent demand for semiconductors surging far beyond current supply capacity. The resulting shortage, which was being felt as early as in the April jobs report, has been peaking in recent weeks. Facing a throughput time of three months or longer, many industries are waiting until supply and demand are back in sync.

If employers are to build the resilience needed to navigate – and thrive – in this tricky reality, they will need to start building more adaptive business strategies. Below, better understand the impact this could have on your workforce planning and how working with agile, experienced staffing partners can help

Automotive sector is hardest hit

Although the impact is being felt across all verticals of the US economy, the automotive sector remains the hardest hit, with a ‘severe decline’ in automotive production – and employment. Automakers are hemorrhaging profits, with the sector expected to produce four million fewer cars this year than last. (This comes on the heels of a modest recovery in the industry after car sales fell off a cliff at the height of the pandemic last year.)

Many automotive manufacturers must reduce production. From a jobs perspective, employment in the sector continues to fall to way below 2020 levels, and employers are adopting a range of measures from extended summer shutdowns, to cutting out overtime, to reduced shift rotations.

This means that many find themselves needing new workforce solutions to navigate this tumultuous time and prepare themselves for when production cranks back up again.

Dearth of skilled engineering talent is compounding the impact

The talent shortfall in the semiconductor industry, and tech industry more generally, is nothing new. For years, American employers have battled with a lack of qualified engineering talent. Recently the problem has intensified as the electronics sector has grown. In fact, 30% of CEOs surveyed in KPMG’s Technology CEO Outlook identified a lack of talent as a top risk for the industry.

If the semiconductor crisis teaches us anything, it should be that – in this age of rapid digital transformation – employers should continually educate, train, and upskill existing workforces in key digital technologies, now and in the future.

Flexible staffing is key

A flexible staffing model is the core of the flexible, agile supply chains that companies need to cope with the relentless changes of today’s business landscape. Biden’s jobs plan is looming, wages keep rising, and COVID-19 cases continue to rise across America. Companies need to be ready to flex their production model to scale up and down as the market dictates.

At Adecco, we are working with our manufacturing and automotive clients across multiple industries who are being impacted by the semiconductor shortage. We partner with them to make sure they’ll have the right people lined up – and at the right pay points – to deploy as soon as the shortage is resolved.

To meet every client challenge, we’ve gone a step further and partnered with Modis, a branch of The Adecco Group focused on technology and digital engineering consulting, talent services and skilling. This allows us to develop workforce and technology solutions on a global scale and for you to find the best candidates for your office, industrial and service sector positions. 

So, as the U.S. economy continues its twists and turns amid surging demand and an ever-tighter jobs market, will your supply chain be staffed with the people it needs to thrive?

To learn more about how we can help you develop a flexible and resilient workforce that’s ready for whatever the future holds, learn more about our partnership with Modis. We’re experts in staffing and workforce solutions with global and local expertise that has helped thousands of companies just like yours thrive, even in times of uncertainty.

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The infrastructure bill edges forward. How can employers prepare? Mon, 19 Jul 2021 18:42:43 +0000 On June 24, the US Senate struck a bipartisan agreement around a historic eight-year infrastructure bill, set to create millions of well-paid American jobs. But what will it all mean for America’sRead More...

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On June 24, the US Senate struck a bipartisan agreement around a historic eight-year infrastructure bill, set to create millions of well-paid American jobs. But what will it all mean for America’s hard-strapped employers, still reeling from the pandemic and stimulus checks?

At Adecco, we understand the seismic changes ahead. Below, we take a look at the bill’s likely impact on the jobs market and offer our expertise on how employers can plan ahead.

Why’s the infrastructure bill coming now?
The ongoing pandemic has stretched our country’s economy to the limit. Recent jobs reports suggest green shoots in a battered American jobs market, but unemployment remains way above pre-pandemic levels, while millions of Americans continue to live paycheck to paycheck. At the same time, the need for investment in America’s infrastructure has bipartisan agreement in a Washington nervous about the rise and rise of China and its infrastructure miracle.

What’s in the bill?
At almost $1 trillion, it’s being touted as the most dramatic investment in the country’s economic future in a generation. Although the wrangling continues in Washington, the deal looks set to create millions of well-paid jobs, particularly for blue-collar workers. That’s thanks to super-charged funding for roads and bridges, railways, public transportation, airports, the power grid, expanded broadband internet access, and much more.

And – if the Democrats get their way – it’ll be followed by a $3.5 trillion budget resolution, with further provisions for above-market salaried jobs in climate change mitigation and ‘human infrastructure’ like Medicare, family services, and free community college.

How many jobs are we talking about?
Although the number has been controversial, estimates put the figure at around 2.7 million. Most pre-pandemic job gains went to college graduates. Of these new jobs, 90% will go to workers without college degrees, precisely the types of people who are already walking out of their jobs, en masse.

What can employers do to prepare?
Without a silver bullet, employers will be facing deep competition for workers among millions of well-paid jobs. However, there’s a lot they can do and a lot that Adecco can do help. Here are three concrete steps we recommend taking right now:

  1. Optimized pay and benefits, now and in the future: Wages and benefits costs are going up, but there’s a bright side. The investment needed to bolster pay and incentives might be offset by American consumers having a lot more money in their pockets to spend. Employers should also be aware that outages due to worker shortages can cost considerably more than increased wages. Tools like Adecco’s salary calculator can help you set wages at a competitive – and sustainable – rate.
  2. Offer long-term, meaningful training: The government doesn’t have a monopoly on transformative, training opportunities. With Adecco, you can offer your employees flexible, industry-focused career programs at no cost. From courses in digital literacy, to welding, to becoming a frontline supervisor, the Adecco Aspire Academy, gives your workers the chance to continuously improve their skills and move higher up the pay ladder.
  3. Invest in all-round engagement and retention: With or without a government stimulus package coming, your best employees will always be in-demand and vital. The good news is that the retention tactics don’t have to cost you much. From white papers to case studies, we have a wealth of resources that can help you reduce turnover and establish a resilient workforce strategy.

This is just a snapshot of the multiple tools and strategies we have to prepare you for the next big swing in this difficult labor market. Getting it right will mean getting creative, and there’s no better way to do that than consulting an innovative, expert partner who knows the market inside-out.

Why not learn more about getting tailored advice on navigating these choppy waters?

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The post The infrastructure bill edges forward. How can employers prepare? appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.

How a Lack of Workers is Causing Wage Inflation in a Time of High Unemployment Mon, 17 May 2021 13:55:02 +0000 If you look at the monthly data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you might think that businesses have eager candidates lining up at the door to fill any job vacancyRead More...

The post How a Lack of Workers is Causing Wage Inflation in a Time of High Unemployment appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.


If you look at the monthly data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you might think that businesses have eager candidates lining up at the door to fill any job vacancy that becomes available.

The reality for most companies is very different. Despite high unemployment rates, organizations all over the U.S. are struggling to find candidates to fill jobs. So, what’s the reason for this strange phenomenon? Keep reading to discover why employers are having a hard time recruiting new employees and why this is leading to wage inflation.

Furloughed Workers

An estimated 33 million people lost their jobs at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but many believe they’ll be rehired at some point. This could partly explain why employers are having such a hard time finding candidates. Furloughed workers may be waiting to get back to their jobs, and the CARE Act and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance are clear reasons for people to hold off looking for work until they stop receiving government aid. Around 24 million Americans were receiving Unemployment Assistance in 2020, giving them a strong incentive to delay their return to the job market.

Childcare, Education, And Fear Among Workers

The Federal Reserve reports that local labor markets are slow to reactivate due to workers’ concerns over health and childcare. Low-skill workers aren’t applying for jobs over the fear of possible infection, meaning that employers are significantly raising hourly pay to get people back to work.

Childcare and education also seem to be important factors affecting the job market. 15% of working professionals are considering leaving the workforce due to homeschooling, while many others are not looking for work because their children are still attending school remotely.

How Can Employers Attract Talent?

The market is being flooded with job openings as entire industries look to recover from the pandemic and get back to pre-COVID activity. If businesses want to attract talent, they’ll have to increase pay, offer a range of non-wage benefits, and lower job requirements to expand their candidate pool.

At Adecco, we’re experts at helping businesses just like yours find top talent, even during a pandemic. To learn more about how we can benefit your company, click here!

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The post How a Lack of Workers is Causing Wage Inflation in a Time of High Unemployment appeared first on Paragon Strategic Staffing.
