Cyber security is something that needs to be integrated into every process today, including when it comes to recruitment. With the number of attacks on individuals and businesses continuing to increase it’sRead More…
The Cost of WFH: Increased tax liabilities
Amid the pandemic, many companies that did not previously have remote workers suddenly did — and some of those employees may be in states where the company did not previously have aRead More…
How Warehouse Workers Could Fill Skills Gap Needed for Medical Device Assembly Teams
More than ever, this past year has proved there is an even greater need for medical device assembly employees, with no signs of slowing down as the production of medical equipment continuesRead More…
Back to Work: Keeping staff and temporary workers reassured and safe
With vaccinations on the rise and key dates in the UK’s plan to leave lockdown getting closer, many temporary workers are feeling mixed emotions. On the one hand, they are gaining theirRead More…
The Rise of Nearshore Outsourcing
My business is in helping other companies staff to scale their teams. As I speak with potential clients about how nearshore outsourcing can benefit their small business, I often am met withRead More…
It’s Time to Take the Training Wheels off Your DE&I Hiring Plans
Lots of companies made big commitments in 2020 to bring greater diversity, equity and inclusion to the workplace. Now, it’s time to see which leaders will put their words into action asRead More…
Return to In-Person Onboarding Without Returning to Mountains of Paperwork
Disorganized documents. Ad hoc training. And so… much… paperwork. That’s what onboarding too often looked like in the “before times” — and why a 2018 study by Nintex found onboarding to beRead More…
Nearshore Staffing Can Help Businesses in the Growth Stages Scale Faster For Less – Part One
Offshoring, or the use of remote employees in a far country, has been used as a strategy for decades. It started with Fortune 500 companies offshoring their manufacturing plants to remote countries,Read More…
Lessons Learned from Pandemic Pain
Quick! Name your biggest triumphs and toughest challenges during the pandemic. If you are anything like your peers in the staffing industry, you are likely to applaud the resiliency and adaptability ofRead More…
What Can Job Seeker Data Tell Us About President Biden’s Proposed $15 Minimum Wage?
In his first 100 days, President Joe Biden has been busy. Millions have been vaccinated. Many of his predecessor’s policies have been reversed. And at the end of April, he added toRead More…